Training of physical education teachers to work with adolescents with increased level of anxiety
Dr.Hab., Professor, Honoured worker of science of Russia A.Ya. Nayn
Ph.D. E.S. Borisenkova
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
Keywords: physical education teacher, training, schoolchildren, increased level of anxiety, aggression.
Introduction. Today, as seen from teaching experience [1, 4], the area related to training of healthy children and adolescents of sound mind, not only possessing a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also capable of managing their mental state, being compassionate and responsive should be a priority in secondary schools.
The carried out research shows that first-year students of university of physical culture have a poor command of the technique of reducing anxiety and aggression levels in adolescents, are frequently unable to professionally assess the degree of mental strain of a student and take measures using the means of physical culture.
In this situation, as noted by many researchers [2, 6, 7, etc.], there is a growing need for the development of theoretical substantiation and improvement of professional methods of training of physical education teachers to work with adolescents who have increased levels of anxiety.
The purpose of the research was to provide a scientific substantiation of new methods of training of physical education teachers to work with adolescents who have increased levels of anxiety.
Materials and methods. The research was conducted at the Department of Pedagogics and the Department of Theory and Methodology of Dance Sports and Ballet Pedagogics of Ural State University of Physical Culture. The experiment was carried out at the premises of the secondary schools № 56 and 59 in Chelyabinsk and was aimed at identification of some approaches to the formation of professional competences of future bachelors in the sphere of physical education.
In the experimental work, in the framework of school teaching practicum students specializing in "Physical Education" (n=34) tested the technology of physical education lessons intended to reduce the level of anxiety, stress and prevent aggressive behavior among adolescents. The teaching practicum was organized for third-year students and lasted four weeks.
The remarkable thing is that it is practical activity that to a certain extent makes it possible to determine the readiness of graduates of the university to carry out professional duties. As T.A. Mikhaylova rightly notes, practice is a core component of vocational training of university students, since the condition of involvement of an individual in a specific activity is fulfilled, and his mind is being formed. The author convincingly proves that teaching practicum serves several important functions: adaptive, teaching, educating, developing and diagnostic [3, p. 17-18]. Therefore, as shown by our experimental work, it is necessary to more pointedly prolong teaching practicum in schools and vocational schools for students specializing in "Physical Education" so that they could professionally implement the studied techniques of working with adolescents with increased levels of anxiety. This will enable students to better master the technique of conducting physical education lessons with students of educational institutions, extracurricular, sports and public work on their own, as required by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education with regard to the subject of “Physical Education”.
According to the research and experimental work, university education should be a process of the subject-subject interaction based on dialogue, exchange of meanings, and cooperation of its participants, in line with the concept of integrative and developmental education. The contents of joint activities should be conducted on an open basis. A student should actively participate in the design of educational content necessary for self-construction of his career [1].
Describing the readiness of a graduate of a university of physical culture to work with adolescents with increased levels of anxiety, motivational and value-conscious component of a future teacher can be considered the most important one. He should be interested in changing the situation, be a personal example of self-development and formation of moral-volitional, sociopersonal qualities in himself and in his students. Such qualities as purposefulness, discipline, diligence, responsibility, civic consciousness, communicativeness and tolerance are priority ones [4].
As experience and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature [1-8] suggest, one of the main challenges of a future physical education teacher is mastering the technique of reducing the level of situational anxiety of students and, using operational tools, prevention of its transition to become a stable property of the individual which in its turn will be already on the verge of aggressive behavior. Anxiety is a tendency of an individual to worry, i.e. an emotional state arising in situations of uncertain danger and manifested in anticipation of unfavorable developments [2].
The concept of “aggression” (from the Latin “aggressio” – an attack) is interpreted as motivated destructive behavior contrary to the norms (rules) of coexistence of people in society that harms the targets (both animate and inanimate), causes physical damage or psychological discomfort (negative experience, stress, fear, depression etc.) to people [7].
Research and experimental work has shown that third-year students are partially prepared to implement their professional competences. Therefore, lessons and public sports events conducted by the trainees are aimed at contributing to the optimization of the mental state of pupils, reduction of anxiety and aggression.
Results and discussion. In assessing the readiness of future physical education teachers to implement their professional competences while working with adolescents with a high level of anxiety we identified the following criteria: interest in studies, achievements in sport (an athletic category or a title), knowledge about the sport the student is specializing in, self-rating of the student and level of mastery of the technology of reducing anxiety and aggression in pupils.
The “interest in studies” criterion is the one of priority in assessing readiness for professional work, and with a certain contingent. It was assessed based on adaptation of the technique aimed at studying the motives of activity [5]. It should be noted that the share of students deeply interested in professional training in the sphere of physical culture and sport reduces a little by their third year of studies. It has been established that this is primarily due to students' expectations and their social formation.
Sports skills of students, as the experience of pedagogical activity shows, is one of important criteria. This criterion indicates purposefulness of an individual and the presence of moral and volitional qualities in a student-athlete. This proved important when using a personal example. Sports achievements of students and levels of formation of their professional competences were correlated by us as follows: Master of Sports – high, Candidate for Master of Sports and the 1st category in a sport – acceptable, the 2nd and 3rd categories – threshold (low) level.
Such a criterion as knowledge about the sport of specialization was assessed on the basis of a credit-module technique by means of the existing set of assessment tools (tests, case studies, teaching tasks, etc) and is as follows: 50-68 points – threshold level; 69-84 points – middle level; 85-100 points – high level.
According to A.M. Prikhozhan, self-assessment is person’s opinion about his own advantages, comparing them with those of others as well as the results of one’s own activity [6]. As the author rightly writes, there exist two forms of assessment of oneself as a personality: adequate and inadequate. We associate the adequate self-assessment with a high level of personal development, when a person is able to carry out professional duties efficiently and effectively, and too high or too low one – with a threshold level which indicates the need for self-improvement.
The level of mastery of the technology of reducing anxiety and aggression in pupils was assessed using a credit-module technique. Upon completion of the teaching practicum the students received a total score based on the fulfillment of the requirements of the educational supervisor of the university (paperwork processing), the PE teacher of the school (conducting lessons and public sports events with the assigned group), the head of practical training department of the university (scientific substantiation of the chosen technique of conducting PE lessons with the given contingent). The results of the research and experimental work are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Results of research and experimental work
Criteria |
At the beginning of studies at university of physical culture (1st year) |
During studies at university (3rd year) |
indicators (levels, %) n = 34 |
indicators (levels, %) n = 34 |
high |
acceptable |
threshold |
high |
acceptable |
threshold |
Interest in studies |
73.5 |
20.6 |
5.9 |
55.9 |
35.3 |
8.8 |
Achievements in sport (athletic category or title) |
11.8 |
26.5 |
61.8 |
17.6 |
38.2 |
44.1 |
Knowledge about sport student is specializing in |
17.6 |
23.5 |
58.8 |
61.8 |
11.8 |
26.5 |
Self-assessment level of student |
79.4 |
5.9 (↑) 14.7 (↓) |
76.5 |
8.8 (↑) 14.7 (↓) |
Level of mastery of technology of reducing anxiety and aggression in pupils |
3.4 |
20.6 |
76.5 |
11.8 |
55.9 |
32.4 |
The data given in the table show a positive tendency in the readiness of third-year students for the implementation of their professional competences while working with children with a high level of anxiety.
Conclusions. Training of students of university of physical culture should be refocused to resolve a number of social issues, and should be primarily aimed at the acquisition of knowledge and skills to work with adolescents with a high level of anxiety. Future physical education teachers should be taught to reflect on their own actions, as developed habits are fixed in their behavior and can further serve as examples for pupils. Teaching practicum for third-year students specializing in “Physical Education” should be prolonged in order to consolidate the skills of anxiety and aggression prevention in adolescents by means of physical culture.
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