Development of creative attitude of students of universities of physical culture to acquiring of professional knowledge during research activities
Dr.Hab., associate professor V.A. Anisimova
Associate professor, Ph.D. L.A. Dragovoz
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
Keywords: development, creative attitude, students of university of physical culture, professional knowledge, research activities.
Introduction. As experience has shown, scientific pedagogical knowledge is a critical factor during the organization of training of a future physical education teacher for creative activity. The knowledge acquired whilst learning is an objective basis of a formed cognitive interest and its realization in the course of professional activity. Higher vocational education enables future teachers to cognize their forthcoming professional activity at the level of scientific understanding of the processes of training and education. Therefore research activities keep a special place in the general system of professional pedagogical knowledge. Using this knowledge the creative attitude of future teachers (trainers) to professional activity is developed.
The purpose of the study was to consider the problem of creative training of students of the university of physical culture in the process of research activities.
Materials and methods. The problem of creative training of students of the university of physical culture is closely connected with the knowledge of the methods of scientific pedagogical research. Our observations show that the success of the involvement of students in research activities is largely determined by the extent to which they possess the necessary skills which provide effective implementation of creative teaching. Together with G.V. Abrosimova we believe that such skills include creative and pedagogical skills [1].
The content of these skills is conditioned by student's creative pedagogical activities, the interrelated key components of which are as follows:
- creative study of scientific educational literature;
- creative analysis of textbooks and study guides;
- studying and enriching educational experience;
- preparation of reports, articles and essays;
- conducting a pilot study.
Considering training of specialists in physical education as a complex, procedural and dynamic system and the following elements of pedagogical research can be distinguished: rationale of research subject, definition of a purpose and objectives of research, proposition of hypotheses, development and conduction of experiments and processing of materials of the research. A characteristic feature of all research skills is the willingness of students to carry out creative research work [4].
We share N.M. Yakovleva's opinion, who identifies the following pedagogical research skills: observation and analysis of pedagogical phenomena (facts) and subsequent pedagogical problem setting and solution; hypothesizing and experimentation abilities; summarization and processing of experimental results; synthesis in the form of a report or another educational measure; ability to work with original sources: use developments of sciences related to pedagogics [6].
Students with developed research skills are able to successfully solve pedagogical problems, that is the key to success in all creative pedagogical activities.
An aspiring specialist in the field of physical culture and sport must possess fundamental knowledge and professional skills, i.e. have common cultural and professional competences. The experience of both creative and research activities, formed in the course of independent work, is essential for becoming a competent expert. The educational and research work of students includes: reports, articles, essays, courseworks and graduation theses. At the initial stage of learning: a report-presentation, which is a detailed oral report made by a student on a given subject in front of a group; an essay, which is a brief written statement of the results of theoretical analysis of a specified scientific (educational research) subject, and in which the student reveals the essence of the research problem and adduces different viewpoints regarding it, including his own.
Another form of educational research work of students is the Olympiad in pedagogics. Students carefully prepare for various contests ("Best essay", a report on pedagogics, a synopsis, etc.). This form broadens students' mind, facilitates the creative potential of a future physical education teacher (trainer) and develops non-standard pedagogical thinking.
In the study of pedagogical disciplines, such as "Psychology and pedagogics", "Pedagogics of physical education", etc., students are suggested writing free essays. The value of this form of work is not only in the fact that the students can express their independent judgments about pedagogical facts and events of personal life, but also they can give their own interpretation and bring out clearly their position on a particular scientific problem. This, in turn, creates certain preconditions for the transition to a higher research level of educational cognitive activity.
The course project (work) is a form of educational activity that takes place at the final stage of learning of a particular discipline and corresponding professional modules; the graduation project (work) occurs at the final stage of the learning process [3, 5].
As seen from analysis of the problem, the creative activity highly depends on the subject; it is conditioned by the availability of relevant knowledge, skills and research experience. The motives for the activity are also important as they promote using of knowledge. Other significant components are the process of implementation of creative procedures - the creative activity itself, and the product of activity, embodied in the new knowledge, new ways of work and new experience.
Results and discussion. The creative attitude of students to professional knowledge acquisition is developed in the course of their learning and cognitive activity. The aspects important for its development are personal, procedural-psychological and educational [2].
The personal aspect. Two subjects are involved in training: a teacher and a student. Each party contributes to the process. The student acquires new knowledge, skills and personal qualities and the teacher helps and controls him. It is important for a student to be willing to learn something: teacher's attempts to "cram" information (knowledge) into student's head would only slow down the learning process. The task of a teacher is to inspire students, to give them positive emotions; he is also the one who chooses methods and means appropriate for each particular student and offers advice on best ways to understand and remember the material. Control, or feedback, reinforces the learning process and ensures the interaction between a student and a teacher.
The procedural-psychological aspect. At the present stage of its development, pedagogical psychology assumes that learning involves two main procedures or "executive educational actions" through which the externally defined goals and actions turn into learnt knowledge and actions. Firstly, it is studying of the content of educational material or learning of the objects and actions related to them. In all cases assimilation is provided by thinking processes and intellectual abilities of students. Secondly, it is processing of educational material or mastering of knowledge and skills, i.e. achievement of the required level of mastering.
The procedures of motivation and control are directly connected with the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills. Motivation forms the student's interest in the subject of pedagogics, it induces him to learning; the formation of motivation is associated with the emotional processes. And control is known to be related to volitional processes.
The educational aspect. It implies selection and creation of a set of methods, means and forms of education. From the variety of methods, means and forms of teaching we chose the following: we understand teaching methods as different ways of implementation of educational procedures on the basis of certain actions of a student and a teacher. Educational forms, in our opinion, are types of classes and means of teaching include all relations between a teacher and a student and everything that both of them need to implement educational procedures. Here is our representation of their interrelation within the learning process (Table 1).
Table 1. The interrelation of personal, procedural-psychological and pedagogical aspects within the learning process
Aspects of learning |
Components |
Personal aspect |
Student |
Teacher |
Procedural-psychological aspect |
Educational procedures and their mechanisms |
Motivation |
Studying |
Perfection |
Control |
Related psychological processes |
Emotions |
Thinking |
Memory |
Will |
Pedagogical aspect |
Teaching methods |
Methods of motivation |
Methods of explanation |
Methods of mastering |
Methods of control |
Educational forms |
Classes dedicated to motivation |
Classes dedicated to explanation
Classes dedicated to mastering |
Classes dedicated to control |
Means of education |
Means of motivation |
Means of explanation |
Means of mastering |
Means of control |
The important factors of effective development of creative attitude of students of the university of physical culture to the acquisition of professional knowledge in the course of research activities are as follows:
- the personal aspect of learning is purely psychological, as students and teachers cannot change themselves much. They are what they are;
- the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills are the main educational procedures, and the motivation and control are preparatory and accompanying procedures, the ones that create the necessary conditions;
- pedagogical aspect of the learning process differs from the procedural-educational aspect as it is created by the teacher's will;
- the mentioned conceptual characteristics of learning are subordinate to the same objective psychological regularities of the learning process.
Conclusion. The main components of development of the creative attitude to assimilation of professional knowledge are the following procedures: motivation, learning about objects and related actions, processing of knowledge and skills and control.
The source of students’ interest in professional knowledge is the well organized learning process that ensures success and development of personal and creative attitude of physical culture university students to acquisition of professional knowledge. Herewith, the teacher's personal and creative attitude to research is important.
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