Educational potential of combat sports in work with children and young people
A.V. Golets1, 4, A.I. Babakov2, 5, L.V. Loginov3, 5
1 Associate professor, Master of Sports of the USSR
2 Ph.D., associate professor
3 Ph.D., professor
4 Institute of Physical Culture, Sport and Healthy Lifestyle, Irkutsk State Agricultural University named after A.A. Ezhevsky, Irkutsk
5 Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Vladimir State University, Vladimir
Materials of the study of the educational potential of combat sports in the Irkutsk and Vladimir regions and in the Altai Territory were presented in the paper. The possibility of more efficient use of the educational potential of different types of combat during training sessions and sports competitions for children and students is analyzed, emotions and experiences of sports victories and defeats of trainers and wrestlers are studied and the possibility and technology of conducting theoretical and practical lessons with students of the combat sports department, engaged in different kinds of combat, for the development of the educational potential are considered.
In order to form humane and tolerant relations necessary for trainers and athletes in conditions of sports rivalry one is to understand the social nature of sport in the modern society.
The main contingent of subjects was represented by trainers and wrestlers from among the students of more than 30 nationalities from different regions of Russia, CIS and foreign countries, studying in Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Vladimir State University and newly established Institute of Physical Culture, Sport and Healthy Lifestyle of Irkutsk State Agrarian University, engaged in different kinds of combat.
Keywords: combat sports, educational potential, patriotism and internationalism, emotions and feelings during victories and defeats.
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