Morphofunctional status of girls practicing rhythmic gymnastics in context of building adaptation strategy to single training session in pre-season and post-season periods
V.A. Baronenko1, 4, S.I. Belousova 2, 4, Yu.B. Pogrebak3, 4
1 Dr.Biol., professor
2 Ph.D., associate professor
3 Postgraduate student
4 Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
The purpose of the present study was to identify the characteristics of morphofunctional status of teenage girls involved in rhythmic gymnastics, and its role in building a strategy for adaptation to a single training session in the pre-season and post-season periods.
It has been established that after the application of a single training session in the pre- and post-season periods a minimum urgent positive effect was recorded in the parameters of morphfunctional status (MFS) and the adaptation strategy of teenage girls, CMS, practicing rhythmic gymnastics. Body mass in the first case, and the elevated myocardial relaxation ability in the second case are the leading factors in the strategy of adaption to the training process.
Keywords: rhythmic gymnastics, teenage girls, CMS (candidate for master of sports), single training session, morphofunctional status, adaptation strategy.
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