Features of personal aggression and deviant behavior among senior pupils at physical education classes
M.A. Shanskov1, 3, G.N. Ponomarev2, 4
1 Ph.D.
2 Dr.Hab., professor
3 National Research University "Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg
4 Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen, St. Petersburg
The purpose of the present research was to study gender differences in pupils' aggressiveness at physical education classes and to perform their comparative analysis with indicators of senior athletes.
The research methods included questionnaires of personal aggression, attitude to risk and propensity for deviant behavior. 95 students aged 15 - 17 years and 39 hockey players of St. Petersburg SKA and the Russian women's national hockey team were involved in the study.
The study has revealed distinct gender differences between boys and girls in the display of personal aggression. If in groups of adult athletes practicing the same sport men had only stronger physical aggression, the situation with girls and boys is much more complicated. Male athletes outperform their peers in verbal, physical and general aggression, female athletes differ by less severe display of aggression. Thus, sports classes have a multidirectional effect on the pattern of personal aggression, and it can be used in the educational process for targeted correction in case of possible patterns of deviant behavior of pupils. Sports classes help implement increased aggression in this age by the most secure way, as well as avoid inclining to bad habits.
Keywords: personal aggression, deviant behavior, pupils, physical education.
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