System-activity approach implemented at physical education lessons



Professor, Dr.Hab. N.I. Sinyavsky1
Associate professor, Ph.D., N.N. Beznosko1
Professor, Ph.D., S.M. Obukhov2
Associate professor, Ph.D., V.A. Rodionov2
Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut1
Surgut State University, Surgut2


Key words: federal state educational standard (FSES), system-activity approach, physical education lesson.

Introduction. The distinctive feature of the federal state educational standards of basic education is their activity approach, which sets the development of pupil's personality as a central problem [5. p-3]. The traditional presentation of training results in the form of knowledge and skills is rejected in modern education, which is focused on the actual types of activity.

The stated objective necessitates the transition to the new system-activity educational paradigm,  which, in turn, is associated with the changes in the activity of teachers involved in the implementation of the FSES. Educational technologies are changing, too. Implementation of the system-activity approach at physical education lessons with primary pupils within the framework of the implementation of the FSES opens up great opportunities for expanding the subject "Physical Education".

The overarching objective of formal education, contrary to the simple transfer of knowledge and skills from teacher to pupil, is development of pupil's ability to set learning goals by himself, design the ways of their realization, control and estimate personal achievements, in other words - formation of learning skills.

 Materials and methods. To achieve the stated objective and solve the set tasks, a complex of theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.) and empirical (observation, testing of physical fitness, pedagogical experiment) methods was used, as well as the methods of the mathematical-statistical data processing.

The educational experiment was carried out at the premises of the general educational institutions of Surgut from 2012 through 2014. At the formative stage 89 second-grade pupils were involved in the experiment.

Results and discussion. To upgrade the system of physical education of pupils, within the framework of the implementation of the FSES, various tasks have been set, which could be combined into two groups:

1. Development of child's individual abilities and arrangement of the necessary conditions for their self-improvement by means of physical education.

2. Teaching the ways of independent search for relevant information, acquisition of new motor actions by reconsidering the already mastered movements, research and constructive activities, finding own ways of problem solution during motor activity.

Intensive development of forms and functions of the body, continuing at school age, depends on living conditions and nature of activity to a certain extent, particularly, on the directional use of the means of physical culture. It has been proved that lack of motor activity (hypodynamia) inevitably leads to irreplaceable loss in physical development, weakening of body's defenses and serious health problems. Efficient application of the specially selected and properly dosed physical exercises over the period of intensive natural morphofunctional development promotes stimulation, regulation and intensification of the corresponding processes of achievement of a considerable increase in the functional capabilities of the body systems. It is important since at older age, when the peaks of natural development of specific functions are long overdue, such results are difficult or even impossible to achieve.

The activity approach implemented at physical education lessons with primary pupils in compliance with the requirements of the FSES, based on a set of activity-oriented principles, such as:

a) Principle of activity training. The content of the material used at physical education lessons is based on the technology of problem-specific dialogue. In accordance with this technology, during the lesson, pupils collaboratively get knowledge basing on the lesson aim they formulate themselves. Children develop the skills to define the purpose of own activity, plan own work to carry out their activity and estimate its results in accordance with the plan.

b) Principle of controlled transition from activity in learning situations to activity in real-life situations and from collaborative educational and cognitive activity to independent activity. At first, pupils together with their teacher perform reproductive tasks enabling them to understand the structure of a physical exercise, after which they perform productive tasks, within the framework of which they try to apply the acquired knowledge in the new situation (for instance, selection of physical exercises focused on the development of such physical quality as flexibility). Finally, at the end of the study unit pupils complete life tasks (simulating real-life situations) and are involved in creation of the project (assignment cards) focused on the development of the leading and lagging physical qualities.

When developing physical training sets, a teacher, together with pupils, designs a project which necessitates:

1. Determination of the long-term goal of formation of motor qualities, their development at the specific training phase.

2. The analysis of the planned physical exercises by association with the educational program, its specific learning material, with due regard to sports equipment and facilities available in school.

3. Learning the methodology of organization and conducting of a circuit training. Pupils perform each exercise from the set for a stipulated period of time (20-30 sec of work, 30-40 sec of rest), trying to repeat it as many times as possible (personal best) in order to determine the volume of work and rest on the stations when performing exercises with due regard to pupils' individual characteristics.

4. Selection of physical exercises focused on correction of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility).

5. Determination of the sequence of exercises and changes from one station to another, as well as the interval between the circles when repeating the set.

6. Estimation of load intensity (high, average, low) by heart rate (using a special table).

 Therefore, there takes place a transition from pure subject tasks to those aimed primarily at the formation of universal teaching actions.

The system-activity approach, implemented at physical education lessons, is an integrated organizational-methodological form of physical training. It is not limited to a certain exercise technique, it includes a number of private methods for a strictly regulated exercise with its selective overall effect on the body of pupils. It perfectly fits in with a specific series of training sessions, helps a teacher perform his work.

Task-oriented correction of the training process based on the implementation of the activity approach at physical education lessons with primary pupils within the framework of the implementation of the FSES served as an experimental factor in the grades under study. The educational process in the control and experimental groups was built in accordance with the tentative program of physical education of pupils in comprehensive schools [program].

Comparison of the initial and final results of the experimental factors in the experimental and control groups was one of the experimental study conditions. A total of 89 second-grade pupils were involved in the experiment. As to their quantitative composition, the experimental and control groups were formed in a natural way. The experimental study was carried out in the form of practical classes.

To estimate the impact of the proposed activity approach at physical education lessons with primary pupils within the framework of the implementation of the FSES before and after the experimental studies, physical fitness of the pupils from the control and experimental groups was tested.

When analyzing the dynamics of development of basic conditioning and coordination abilities in the second-grade pupils from the control and experimental groups over the experimental period (Table 1), it can be noted that the studied indices in the boys from both groups before the experiment had no significant differences. However, as follows from the experiment, physical fitness of second-grade boys increased significantly in a number of indices: 30 m sprint (р<0.05), 3x10 m shuttle run (р<0.05), pull-ups (р<0.05), sit and reach (р<0.05).

Table 1. Absolute values and increment of physical fitness in second-grade boys over the experimental period



Differences in t



C (n=20)

E (n=22)

х ± s

х ± s


30 m sprint, sec


Before experiment

6.6 ± 0.6

6.6 ± 0.3

>  0.05

After experiment

6.1 ± 0.3

5.9 ± 0.4

<  0.05

3x10 m shuttle run, sec


Before experiment

9.8 ± 0.7

9.6 ± 0.5

>  0.05

After experiment

9.4 ± 0.б

9.0 ± 0.6

<  0.05

Standing long jump, cm

Before experiment

140.9 ± 16.0

140.6 ± 12.7

>  0.05

After experiment

146.8 ± 14.2

151.5 ± 14.3

>  0.05

Sit and reach,   cm

Before experiment

5.5 ± 3.2

6.5 ± 5.0

>  0.05

After experiment

5.6 ± 4.3

9.7 ± 7.2

<  0.05

6-min run, m

Before experiment

1076.5 ± 50.8

1072.6 ± 52.4

>  0.05

After experiment

1163.4 ± 82.3

1156.4 ± 71.2

>  0.05

Pull-ups, number of times


Before experiment

2.3 ± 3.2

2.7 ± 3.0

>  0.05

After experiment

2.7 ± 2.0

3.7 ± 1.4

<  0.05


Before the experiment, significantly higher indices of development of strength qualities (р<0.05) in the second-grade girls were registered in the experimental group, though no statistically significant differences were detected in the rest of the indices (Table 2). The girls from the experimental group considerably exceeded the results of the control group in the development of their speed, coordination, speed-strength qualities and flexibility.

Table 2. Absolute values and increment of physical fitness indices in second-grade girls over the experimental period




Differences in t


C (n=22)

E (n=23)

х ± s

х ± s

30 m sprint, sec


Before experiment

6.7 ± 0.5

6.7 ± 0.3

>   0.05

After experiment

6.2 ± 0.4

5.9 ± 0.3

<   0.05

3x10 m shuttle run, sec


Before experiment

10.2 ± 0.6

10.0 ± 0.6

>   0.05

After experiment

9.7 ± 0.6

8.8 ± 0.4

<   0.05

Standing long jump, cm

Before experiment

130.0 ± 15.6

136.8 ± 9.9

>   0.05

After experiment

135.9 ± 18.3

154.3 ± 14.2

<   0.05

Sit and reach,   cm

Before experiment

5.7 ± 4.8

8.9 ± 6.2

>   0.05

After experiment

5.8 ± 4.7

11.3 ± 5.8

<   0.05

6-min run, m

Before experiment

1076.6 ± 52.1

1074.8 ± 60.5

>   0.05

After experiment

1109.0 ± 100.2

1130.1 ± 78.6

>   0.05

Pull-ups, number of times


Before experiment

6.8 ± 4.0

9.6 ± 4.2

<   0.05

After experiment

7.8 ± 3.2

15.7 ± 6.1

<   0.05


Conclusions. The aim of the implementation of the activity approach at physical education lessons with primary pupils within the framework of the implementation of the federal state educational standard is to increase the physical fitness level of pupils, resulting in higher physical working capacity. The purpose of the technique of formation of universal teaching actions at physical education lessons is to find a solution to a motor task on one’s own, analyze and estimate motor actions, search and formulate goals and systematize the acquired knowledge and skills.

Cognitive independence and creativity of schoolchildren can be improved by using physical education lessons with primary pupils in the conditions of the activity approach within the framework of the implementation of the federal state educational standard.


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