Phenomenonal role of physical exercise in human life



Professor, Dr.Biol. V.N. Kurys'
Associate professor, Ph.D. K.M. Smyshnov
Associate professor, Ph.D. A.I. Yatsynin
North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol

Keywords: phenomenal role, motion, action, human activity, life activity.

Introduction. Professional activity of a specialist in physical education is closely related with physical exercise as its basic part. Generally speaking, it is an essential instrument of physical education, sports training, recreational, applied professional and adaptive physical culture.

Imagine that physical exercise as such is removed from the phenomenon called "physical culture". Clearly, the phenomenon would almost cease to exist. Apparently there is no need to extensively argue about the value of physical exercise in human life. But let us ask ourselves a number of questions. Do experts always see the value of specific physical exercises? Do they clearly see the meaning of physical exercise in each particular case? Finally, are we competent in the application of exercises, do we have educational technology for each specific case and are we capable of implementing it?

The purpose of the paper was to provide scientific reasoning of the concept and essence of physical exercise as a major way of organizing human physical activity.

Results and discussion. "Physical exercise" is one of the key concepts used by experts in the field of physical culture throughout their whole professional life. "Exercise" as the basic part of this concept in accordance with a common vocabulary interpretation indicates an activity performed by those learning something or improving their skills [3]. In addition, exercise is presented as an educational task to reinforce the knowledge, skills. With regard to a specific field of activity its basic concept is filled with specificity. So, physical exercise in the theory of physical culture is presented as an action performed for the acquisition and improvement of any physical qualities, abilities and motor skills. It is a common, though incomplete dictionary interpretation of this concept, which is apparently sufficient for the mass use.

From the standpoint of the theory of physical culture, physical exercise is a fundamental and specific (along with the natural forces of nature and hygienic factors) means of physical perfection, the most important structural unit of motor activity of man, used for carrying out a directed impact on the one exercising.

There is another definition of physical exercise in the theory of physical culture, interpreted in the plural form. "Physical exercises" - movements or actions, used for the development of physical abilities (qualities), organs and systems, for the development and improvement of motor skills [4]. We can agree with this interpretation, except for the fact that the concepts of "motion" and "action" in determining the nature of the physical exercise are not subject to equation.

Future specialists need to be clear about physical exercise as the basic means of physical perfection, body-motor transformation of man, his biological, psychological, intellectual, emotional and social nature. On the other hand, physical exercise should be considered as a method (a way) of physical development of a person. Physical exercise is the generalized backbone means of all types of physical culture: health promoting, recreational, adaptive, motor-rehabilitation, mass sport, elite sport, etc.

Physical exercise is the result of a complex manifestation of motor actions used to solve motor, educational objectives and the tasks of the body-motor development in general. Repeated execution of motor actions defines the essence of motor activity of a person. It is his physical activity that largely determines the efficiency of biochemical, physiological, mental, intellectual and other processes in the body.

It should be noted that natural motor acts (all kinds of walking, running), which are sufficiently consistent with the given above definition as a repetition of something, in this case - of locomotor actions, can be attributed to physical exercises with a certain degree of conditionality. In addition to providing movement in space and time under certain pedagogical approaches the repetition of life-supporting motor acts serves to the purposeful physical development of a person. At the same time it is necessary to distinguish between the natural life supporting motor acts performed on a subconscious level and the same motor acts, the essence of which is filled with meaning-making and goal-setting that transforms them into the targeted actions, that is, physical exercise as a fundamental value for the development and improvement of the human body.

In terms of the problem of professional understanding of physical exercise from the standpoint of biomechanics it is advisable to interpret the concept as a purposeful movement of a person in space and time by changing the position of the body parts, that is, the angles in the joints caused by muscle contraction and directed under a multiple repetition towards the body-motor improvement. Physical exercise is the result of interaction between the external and internal forces of man. At the same time the major external forces should include the force of gravity, the friction force (determines the "grip" of the body with the support and its stability), the resistance force of air and water, the training effect on the trainee by a training partner, by a training apparatus, by a simulator, etc. The internal forces of man are his muscle forces that determine man's movement in space and time.

Creating a professional understanding of the nature of physical exercise, its place in human life is associated with the consideration of two important issues. The first issue is the study and understanding of what processes and events associated with the vital functions constitute the foundation of physical exercises. The second is to determine the basis of physical exercise, its structural content. Further study of the nature of physical exercise from the above-mentioned position is based on the fact that in the hierarchy of the main components of the human motor activity (Figure 1) physical exercise as such occupies a middle place, which is quite convenient for the vertical development of ideas about it.

Exercising is always determined by, or at least should be subject to the solution of specific motor tasks and achievement of goals, some particular result of the activity. The motor activity of man as a clear integrative concept is always associated with the concept of goals, achievement of the desired result. This, combined with the solution of motor tasks for achieving the goals, the preceding motivation and the need to achieve the desired result, based on the awareness of action, defines the meaning, intellectual significance of motor activity. That intellectuality, the meaningfulness of human motor activity, aimed at his physical development and improvement, consumption and reproduction of the values of physical education, differentiates between the movement in space and time of a human and the one of an animal. This is what makes a significant difference between the biomechanics of human movement in space from the movement of an animal [1,2].


Fig. 1. Physical exercise in the hierarchy of concepts of human motor activity

The highest category, which determines the purposeful movement of a person in space and time, his motor activity, is the category of human life activity. The essence of this definition comes from the meaning of the words "life" and "activity". It is known that a person's life is, above all, his biological state in the ontogenesis, from birth to death, is determined by the fullness of manifestation of physical and spiritual strength, his way of existence. The activity, as noted earlier, is a person’s work, his engagement in some particular area conditioned by the work of all systems and functions of the body. We emphasize it - all the systems and functions, integrally providing the mental functioning and the conscious movement of man as a highly organized species in space and time. In summary, the human life activity can be viewed as a special material form of human existence defined by his biological state in the ontogenesis, the manifestation of physical and spiritual forces, their maintenance through the integrated functioning of all systems and functions of the body. Human life activity is determined by two main components: the intellectual (mental) and the body-motor (physical). Understanding of the essence of this simplified model of human life activity is very important for future experts in physical education from the standpoint of the values of the body-motor component, a professional influence of the teacher on the formation and improvement of this component, on the achievement of harmony between the two mentioned above components of life activity. It is important to clearly imagine the poor current state of the ratio of the intellectual and the body-motor components in the life of a person. Based on the significance of each of them, from the definitely positive influence on each other, such a state is believed to be equal. However, even a superficial analysis of the ratio of attention of a modern man to the two components of life activity in any period of life shows the absolute superiority of the intellectual component. That infringement of the "equilibrium" of the two components of human life inevitably leads to a breach in his health. The strategy for addressing this problem is not about reducing the person's attention to the development of the intellectual component of his life. Its solution should be based on a constant in all periods of human life intellectualization of the essence and content of the body-motor component. This is possible with the highly intellectual use of the values of physical culture by the specialists in this area, which involves at least, a multi-faceted essence of professional learning of these values and, above all, the phenomenality of physical exercise.

Conclusion. Physical exercise as a fundamental category of the theory of physical culture and a phenomenal reality is the reality of social life, which human mind is always and actively directed to, as body-motor exercise as purposeful, developing recurrence of motor actions, defines substance of physical and spiritual progression continuously put into human motor activity and life.


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