Conversion of sports high-technology as methodological principle of sportized physical education and «sport for all»
L.I. Lubysheva1, 2
1 Dr.Hab., professor
2 Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow
Theoretical analysis of publications in recent years shows an acute lack of the development of new methodological approaches to the practice of physical education and sport for all.
The purpose of research was to provide a scientific foundation for the use of the high sports technology conversion principle in the design of sportized forms of classes.
Conversion is interpreted as primarily introduction and adaptation of high technologies in the practice of sports physical education and sport for all.
Designed based on the conversion principle, physical education essentially creates a new target orientation of the educational process - the formation of the pupil's sports culture. Change of purpose entails a radical transformation of all elements of the existing system of physical education. According to the principle of conversion, school sports infrastructure should be transformed, along with the staff of teachers, the ratio of subject teachers, parents and other members of the educational process to the organization of physical activity of children.
The principle of conversion of high sports technologies is a priority methodology of sportized physical education and design of creative forms of sports classes, that provide training of a healthy generation, capable of being active citizens of their country in the modern society.
Keywords: sportization, pupils, secondary school, sports culture, sportized lesson, school sports club.
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