The concept of classification of motor coordinations
Professor, Dr.Hab. L.D. Nazarenko
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk
Keywords: physical and coordination qualities, components, varieties, evaluation criteria.
Relevance. Effectiveness of complex motor actions is to a great extent determined by the rational use of the kinesiological potential. Man's motor activity is characterized by its various qualitative aspects: muscle power, velocity, endurance, which in the theory and methodology of physical education and sports training are usually called physical, and motor coordinations: agility, accuracy, balance, flexibility, mobility, etc.
N.A. Bernstein [1] considered that the essence of motor coordination was in continuous adjustment of the effector impulses to the ever-changing unforeseen dynamic conditions. According to N.A. Bernstein's concept, multilevel systems are formed to fulfill a motor task, and they are controlled by the leading level. A motor task is fulfilled with the involvement of the background levels that handle the technical components of a motor action: muscular tone, complex synergies, etc. Each functional level is accompanied by an anatomic substrate in a specific department of the central nervous system and sensory correction typical for this level, as the basis of motor control. This determines a considerable variety of motor coordinations. However, special literature concerns only some of them, and in different representation [5, 7-9 et al].
The purpose of the study was to theoretically substantiate the necessity to classify motor coordinations as a basic requirement determining the efficiency of sports training.
As the qualitative parameters of motor activity, coordination qualities describe the level of physical fitness and technical skills, optimal indices of which provide for the growth of sports results. However, these motor coordinations have been the least studied so far. Different sources contain different views of the role and place of the qualitative features of sports activity in the increase of competitive results. Different terms, concepts, definitions are used, which occludes comprehension of the structural content of the training and competitive activity. Thus, V.M. Zatsiorsky [3] considers agility as a complex of coordination abilities. Accuracy of movements, he assumes, is one of the criteria of evaluation of agility. He also emphasizes that the qualitative aspects of motor activity are balance and "space sense".
V.P. Guba [2] emphasizes the importance of accuracy of movements as a motor coordination, by means of which it is possible to move from rough to precise differentiation of irritators. Ye.P. Il'in [4] suggests differentiating simple and complex motor qualities; in his opinion, complex ones include agility and precision. The author considers joint mobility to be a morphofunctional motor quality. He suggests terming lumbar-spine mobility as flexibility, and pelvis joint mobility as turnout. Among the qualitative aspects of motor activity O.B. Nemtsev [8] singles out accuracy, coordination and power, treating them as physical. A great variety of viewpoints as to physical qualities and motor coordinations testifies to the necessity to thoroughly elaborate this issue, develop the classification of motor coordinations, their theoretical, conceptual and methodological substantiation.
We propose the concept of classification of motor coordinations by their general structural components, typical for all motor qualities, and specific ones, typical for one or several motor qualities; as well as the factors stipulating the development of the relevant motor coordinations by their specific features, accompanied by determination of physiological mechanisms, varieties; leading structural components; factors stipulating their development; objective evaluation criteria (Figure 1).
While controlling movements, the central nervous system identifies the necessary groups of muscles, the moment of their activation, managing the degree of their tension by means of regulation of the number of motoneuron inclusions of a specific muscle and selection of its working mode.
Among the classification components are the factors stipulating the development of motor coordinations under study; their varieties, leading structural components; objective evaluation criteria. Motor coordinations have complex physiological mechanisms providing for synchronization of the motor and vegetative functions.
Precision in comprehension of the form and content of a physical exercise, as well as its reproduction, are predetermined by the level of formation of differentiating inhibition: the irritators not detected earlier and perceived as initial gradually become differentiated with the development of accuracy. Inconformity of the form of a motor action to the specified parameters, disparity between the muscle efforts are due to excitatory irradiation in the cerebral cortex and weakness of differentiating inhibition. High accuracy of reproduction of a motor action is achieved by the intramuscular and intermuscular coordination. Movement efficiency is associated with the decrease in the number of motor units involved in work.
Classification of motor coordinations (by general and specific features)
Agility 1 |
Accuracy 2 |
Balance (stability) 3 |
Flexibility 4 |
Mobility 5 |
Jumping ability 6 |
Precision 7 |
Rhythmicity 8 |
Plasticity 9 |
Main varieties and manifestations |
In standard, non-standard and foreseeable |
Reproduction of movements by time-space and space-power parameters; by form and content |
Maintenance of stability after turns, rotations, jumps, under different support conditions |
In swing movements; in resistance exercises; when bending; when floating |
In circulatory and rotatory movements; when twisting the body, its parts and units while floating |
In single and multiple long, high, standing and flying jumps |
In different initial positions; at stationary and moving target; in unfavorable weather conditions |
Individual and group rhythm; in cyclic and acyclic movements; in exercises with supporting music |
Poses, gesture; body movements; upper and lower limbs, hands |
Leading components |
Synchronization of motor and vegetative functions 1-9 |
Degree of sensory interaction 1-9 |
Rational ratio between the excitative and inhibitory processes 1-9 |
Latent period of motor reaction 1,2,5,6,7 |
Speed of motor component 1,2,3,5,6 |
Speed of perception and processing of information 1-9 |
State of muscular irritability and lability under influence of motoneuron impulsation 1-6, 8 |
Rational positioning of body parts and units in space 1-9 |
Minimization of degree of freedom 1-3, 7-9 |
Factors, stipulating motor coordination development |
Genetic characteristics 1.4-6 |
Typological characteristics 1-3 |
Level of physical fitness 1-9 |
Psychoemotional state 1-9 |
Extrapolation ability 1-9 |
Age 1-9 |
Diurnal variation 1-9 |
Number of involved motor units |
Level of muscular and intramuscular coordination |
Muscle contraction speed |
Biochemical physiological characteristics of muscles |
Evaluation criteria |
Quantitative (sec, min, m, kg, degrees) |
Qualitative (points) |
Accuracy as one of motor coordinations maintains a relationship between the time-space and space-power parameters of motor actions; provides coordination of the motor and vegetative functions. This stipulates the formation of a specific sensation of such leading parameters of a motor action as, for example, "ball sense'', "distance sense", "water sense", which determine the optimal speed of movements, selection of ball reception and handling methods etc.
Management of the time-space parameters of a motor action is a complex process. The temporal characteristics of movements are determined by the latent period of a motor reaction, duration of its motor component, as well as individual motor rhythm. The physiological mechanism of manifestation and formation of motor coordinations has also been found in balance (body stability), flexibility, mobility, spring ability, precision, rhythmicity and plasticity. The qualitative aspects of motor activity under study are closely integrated and interdependent, determine its intensity depending on the technical complexity of the task at hand [1, 6, 7, 10 et al]. For example, distance and accuracy of a basketball throw are determined by the indices of the working muscle strength, level of the eye formation, speed of activation of active motor units; athlete's ability to perform a continuous physical load. At insufficient body balance additional efforts are made to maintain the optimal position; at low indices of flexibility the necessary amplitude of movements is not provided and so on.
Results and discussion. Improvement of sports skills is largely determined by the level of formation of motor-coordination qualities in a certain ratio, achievement of which provides maximal result. Thus, the basic requirement for effective competitive activity in sprint are the indices of muscle power, velocity, endurance, agility, accuracy, balance, flexibility, mobility, rhythmicity, plasticity optimal for this age and fitness level.
The optimal indices of agility provide for a timely start of the finish acceleration depending on the running technique of an opponent. The necessary level of formation of the accuracy of motor actions ensures the correlation of the time-space and space-power parameters of the running steps during running and at the time of finishing; sufficient body balance stipulates rational positioning of the body parts and units in space and time for achievement of the maximum speed; development of flexibility contributes to the increase in the amplitude of movement of the upper limbs, their rational combination with tempo and rhythm of the running steps and so on.
During the educational experiment the new approach to the organization of the training process was put to an evaluation test, based on the development of the leading motor coordinations, which increase in the indices determined the growth of sports results.
To improve the necessary motor coordinations we used special motor tasks; created educational situations that involved each of the relevant qualitative aspects of motor activity in their relationship; determined the educational conditions contributing to the improvement of agility, accuracy, flexibility, rhythmicity, etc.; designed special technical means of control of the time-space and space-power parameters of the running steps, using which we established an inverse connection within the system of the subject-subject relationship.
This methodology was verified during the educational experiment, which involved 24 qualified female runners: I Class athletes and CMS. According to the findings, the use of the methodology based on the development of motor coordination, typical for this specific sports activity, contributed to the growth of sports results. Thus, while with the initial indices of physical fitness and technical skills of the female runners from the CG and the EG the competitive results in the CG have increased by 2.78% (р>0,05) by the end of the educational experiment, in the EG the sports results have improved by 9.86% (р<0,05).
Conclusion. The proposed concept of classification of motor coordinations puts a new impetus to the theoretical research on the issue of enhancement of motor control. The results of the educational experiment testify to the long-term benefits of the new approach to the improvement of the system of sports training based on determination and development of the complex of the leading motor coordinations, which optimum level of formation is another basic requirement for the increase of competitive results.
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