Formation of motor abilities of preschool children
Associate professor, Ph.D. M.P. Mukhina
Professor, Dr.Hab. A.I. Kravchuk
Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport, Omsk
Keywords: preschool children, longitudinal studies, integrated physical education, targeted physical education, consolidation and mismatch, motor skills: basic movements, physical qualities, functional motor abilities.
Introduction. Pre-school age period is characterized by active physical development of a child. One of the factors that determine the effective management of the process of physical education of preschool children is consideration of the recent data on the development of basic movements, physical qualities and functional motor abilities [4–5].
The purpose of the study was to define age periods of formation of motor abilities of preschool children.
Materials and methods. Longitudinal study involving 155 children of pre-school age had been conducted over four years (2004–2009) on the basis of four pre-school educational institutions of the city of Omsk (pre-school educational facilities № 7, № 214, № 375, № 344) in the conditions of targeted and integrated physical education. At the core of the targeted physical education (control group - CG) there were three programs: “Education and training programs in kindergarten” [6–8] (2004–2007: CG-1, n=22); “Physical education for preschool children” [1] (2005–2008: CG-2, n=21) and “Start” (2006–2009: CG-3, n=19) [9]. Integrated physical education (experimental groups) was implemented in the conditions of comprehensive concentrated learning of motor actions (2004–2007: EG-1, n=31), with the use of technological (2005–2008: EG-2, n=33) and system-technological approaches (2006–2009: EG-3, n=29) [4, 5].
Pedagogical testing involved determining the level of motor, physical and functional-motor fitness of preschool children using the A.I. Kravchuk’s method [2]. A correlation analysis of intra- and interspecific correlations carried out in each control and experimental group of indicators was at the heart of determining the stage of formation of motor abilities of preschool children. Significant correlations were taken into account (r>0,5*; r>0,7 – **).
Results and discussion. Implementation of integrated physical education enable children on the 5-6th and especially 7th years life to develop and improve motor skills (basic movements), a complex of varieties of basic physical qualities and functional and motor abilities [5]. Motor fitness standards in the 5th year of life are mastered by more than 87-100% of children, in the 6th – by more than 71–100%, in the 7th – by more than 90–100%; in the 5th - by more than 77–100%, in 6-7th years of life – by more than 91–100% of children; functional-motor fitness – in the 6-7th – by more than 74–100%, in the 7th – by more than 94–100% of children.
In the 5th year of life there is noted a limited number (3) of significant intraspecific interrelations between the studied motor abilities (legs movement – with balance*, walking - with running**; endurance - with static force*). Each type of fitness is formed independently, and as an exception - only the coordination abilities are related with rapid strength. With time they are formed independently from each other on the basis of the individually-differentiated development, in children during the school year, of the conjugately formed motor skills, physical qualities, functional and motor abilities. The limited congruence by the end of the school year gives way to a mismatch in development of motor skills, indicating a stimulating function that is seen in the development of the motor analyzer.
In the 6th year of life by the beginning of the school year, there is an increase in the number of intraspecific (7: 5 in basic movements and 2 in the physical qualities) and interspecific interrelations (four), which are more related to the formation of motor skills on the background of the development of physical qualities and especially of functional motor abilities: walking - with the development of endurance*, running - development of rapid strength*; climbing and throwing - orientation* and coordination skills respectively*. The signaling function of the motor analyzer manifests itself, indicating that these abilities are still insufficiently developed. At the end of the school year there is a mismatch of the studied abilities, except for intraspecific relations in basic movements: running on the background of legs movements*, walking* and climbing*, which reflects the reserve abilities of the motor analyzer.
In the 7th year of life there is still a continuing mismatch in the development of the studied motor abilities of children, except for just one interspecific interrelation - between jumps and rapid strength*. There have been created conditions for the implementation of our 7th principle of integrated physical education - of the compliance of environmental conditions of the integrated physical education with the age peculiarities of physical development and fitness of children [9].
The rules of the 7th principle include:
– the use of a system-technological approach in each year of life, which is based on the concentrated training with consistent and conjugated development of physical qualities, motor skills and functional and motor abilities;
– a step-by-step combination of the coherence and mismatch of intraspecific and interspecific interrelations of the indicators of physical, motor and functional-motor fitness;
– accumulation of the reserve capacities and their subsequent display in motor abilities.
The end result of the implementation of the principle is children’s hitting the standards of physical, motor and functional-motor fitness, while still being able to maintain the achieved level in the following years.
In the conditions of targeted physical education a delay in the development and improvement of basic movements, physical qualities and functional and motor abilities was noted in children, especially in the 5-6th year of life [4]. In 5-6th years of life motor fitness standards are mastered by at least 48% of children in the 3-8 out of 8 tests, except for the program "Start"; in the 7th year of life – by more than 55–100 % of children; physical fitness standards (in the 5-6th years of life) by less than 49 % in 3–6 tests out of 7, by more than 52–100 % of children in 3–5 tests; standards of functional-motor fitness – in 5-7th year of life – by less than 46 % in 1–3 tests out of 4, by more than 53–100 % in 1–3 tests. On the background of the increasing with age mismatch within the motor, physical and functional-motor fitness of children interspecific interrelations between the studied indicators increase by the end of the 5th year of life (five), which indicates the formation of motor skills on the background of the development and improvement of physical qualities (running with development of rapid strength*, climbing – static* and dynamic strength*, jumps – agility* and endurance*).
In the 5th year of life a limited number of intraspecific (5) and interspecific (2) interrelations between the basic movements, physical qualities and functional and motor abilities is noted. As in the case of integrated physical education each type of fitness are formed separately, but without regard to sensitive periods of development and conjugation in the formation of motor skills and physical qualities.
The retention at the beginning of each school year of interspecific relations in the differentiation of strength strain with rapid strength * and intraspecific relations in the movements of arms and legs on the 5th and 6th years of life, demonstrates the need for accented integrated pedagogical influence on the formation of basic movements and functional-motor skills, that still reflects the stimulating function of the motor analyzer and indicates a delay in the development and improvement of motor abilities of children.
At the 6th and 7th years of life of children there is a continuing mismatch in the development of motor abilities. At the same time at the beginning of each school year, there can be noted one interspecific interrelation of the differentiation of strength strain and rapid strength, as well as on the 5th and 6th years of life an intraspecific interrelation between arm and leg movements is marked*, which however does not create favorable conditions for the timely formation of the vital motor skills because their level of development does not match the age. Moreover, there is a paradoxical intraspecific interrelation between endurance and speed*, which indicates a low speed level and the need for its directed development. In the physical education of preschool children the signaling function of motor function development is displayed, indicating that there is a hypodynamic predisposition in motor activity.
Despite the fact that the implementation of directed physical education was carried out through three programs [3], all based on the formation of the vital motor skills by means of: traditional preschool physical education (CG-1) and the elements of such sports as (CG-3), gymnastics and acrobatics (CG-2), for all groups a backlogging from the age norms was noted, indicating stabilization in the development of basic movements, physical qualities and functional and motor abilities. In this regard, it is not about the development of the function but rather about the beginning of its formation on a new age level. This indicates that there is a suppressive effect of children's age-appropriate environments on the human motor function. To avoid this, there must be created appropriate pedagogical conditions for the deployment of reserve capacities of the motor analyzer. It should be noted that in the favorable external influences there should be observed formation and establishment of motor abilities in the great majority of children.
1. Owing to created external conditions for the development of each motor ability in the conditions of integrated physical education the body can adequately respond to external stimuli and reach the age standards for the vast majority, and often for all the children at any age, especially in the 6-7th year of life, not only according to the final but also to the initial indicators of the academic year. Essentially, it is possible to fully develop the studied abilities in children by the 6th year of life and to maintain them on a high level in the 7th year of life.
2. The implementation of targeted physical education does not condition the early formation of motor abilities of children. In this regard, it is necessary to create such external effects with which motor skills of children could be formed in the conditions of a positive transfer of the quality of basic movements, combined with development of physical qualities and functional and motor abilities in accordance with the age characteristics of their formation.
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