Social role of physical culture for reduction of risks in modern educational environment



Associate professor, Ph.D. E.M. Golikova
Associate professor, Ph.D. P.P. Tissen
Associate professor, Ph.D. E.E. Lutovina
Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg

Keywords: education, social risks, physical culture.

Introduction. In recent years, risks have become the most frequently discussed topic, in particular the risks of educational space and the organization of a safe school environment. A series of cases of aggression at school, lack of intraschool understanding, school study load and a number of other reasons resulted in the need to create a safe school environment. Therefore, modern society focuses all efforts on reducing the risks in the modern educational space through increased social activity and the implementation of organizational and methodological conditions for the formation of psycho-pedagogical comfort of all the participants of the educational process.  

Underestimation of the risks (social and mental effects of the educational system) reflects the attitude of society towards education, and accordingly, to the result of education as a social activity. Here are examples of just a few risks that manifest themselves in the process of learning in a modern educational institution:

- risk of increase of aggressive and violent behavior of schoolchildren (destructive actions that violate personal and physical safety of people and preservation of material and spiritual values; antisocial sexual behavior, early drug addiction and antisocial and illegal actions committed in connection with it);

- increase in the number of children – victims of violence;

- crisis of the family as the first social institution that is expressed in maladjustment of the family of parents (a single-parent family, family conflicts, a family with the antisocial atmosphere), family instability and ineffective fulfillment by the family of its functions of socialization and individualization of the child’s personality;

- growth of social orphanhood;

- inadequate coping strategies of teenagers and young people with difficult situations in life;

- personal immaturity including moral immaturity;

- child begging phenomenon;

- phenomenon of early commercialization of teenagers that accounts for growing disorders in their moral and ethical development and the likelihood of interaction with criminal population groups;

- growth of child and juvenile crime;

- reduction of age of those suffering from early alcoholism, spreading of drug addiction and toxicomania; 

- absence of a clear strategy for youth policy, support of non-governmental associations for children, teenagers and youth aimed at solving issues of personal self-determination and identity formation of youth [1].

The list of such trends of risks could be expanded. However, this sample is sufficient to state the lack of action coordination between various social institutions aimed at addressing the issues of prevention and control of special kinds of risks (family, mass media, culture, teaching staff, law-enforcement authorities, youth associations, etc).  

The purpose of the research is to identify the most appropriate forms of physical culture in the lifestyle of a school child aimed at reducing the risks of the modern educational space.

Results and discussion. Among measures aimed at solving the issues of risk reduction an important place is given to prevention and support programs of educational institutions in the sphere of physical culture and sport. Physical culture and sports activities seem to be the most effective measure aimed at reducing social risks of school children. Surely, it is impossible to claim that only physical culture and sport will reduce social risks of an educational institution. However, in modern conditions, when the state of social structures of the society can be assessed as critical, concern for reducing social risks is one of the daily, practical tasks of sports education. In our view, the most affordable means is healthy lifestyle, formation of a healthy way of life, systematic physical exercise. According to L.I. Lubysheva, “style of life is a way of life of an individual that designates characteristic specific ways of self-expression of representatives of various sociocultural groups manifested in their daily lives, activities, behavior and relationships” [3]. Individual lifestyle characteristics come out in personification (the ability of self-expression, organization of free time), which is especially manifested in the process of sports activity.

Values of human health reflect three levels: biological (the original health suggesting self-regulation of the body, harmony of physiological processes and maximal adaptation); social (health as a measure of social activity, active attitude of an individual to the world); personal or psychological (health as denial of an illness in the sense of overcoming it). Important values of physical culture are those of intentional kind – reflecting the maturity of the public opinion, the prestige of physical culture and sport in the society, their popularity among various categories of people, and most importantly, the desire and the willingness of man to continuously develop and improve the potential of his physical culture [4]. The socio-cultural structure is self-organized within the framework of the whole formed by society and operational environment, it emerges and develops depending on a complex of components of vital activity conditions. These conditions not only stabilize the sociocultural environment of an educational institution, but also expand the activity of both an individual and an educational institution. Thanks to the current educational standard physical culture and sports activity in an educational institution can be expanded using material and technical characteristics of the institution. The elective part of the physical education course includes both organization of set and extracurricular forms of classes that perform their specific functions:

- educational – obtaining knowledge necessary to understand the natural and social processes of functioning of physical culture of a society and an individual, a possibility of their creative use for personal and professional development;

- application – improvement of specific physical fitness and working capacity for labour activity and military service by means of professional and applied physical culture;

- sports – achievement of maximum results in a chosen sport;

- recreational – organization of meaningful leisure time; 

- health-improving and rehabilitation – prevention of fatigue and restoration of temporarily lost functional capacities of the body [2].

Conclusion. Physical culture and sport are aimed at systemic, social and mental effects, the formation of which involves education. The Russian Federation is a multiethnic, multi-religious and multicultural state where formation of personal identity takes place – introduction to the social norms. The effect of physical culture in an educational institution is aimed at social and spiritual consolidation of the younger generation. Quality and accessibility of education, including that of physical culture, as a factor reducing risks (of social stratification of society) ensures the formation of a socially adapted mobile personality of a school child (a future specialist). Physical education contributes to the construction of social norms in schools, tolerance and mutual trust of representatives of various social groups (religious and national cultures, health limitations, etc). It is a successful personification of the younger generation, taking into account social and economic changes in which a school graduate will be a competitive personality, society and state.


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