Structure of individual physical culture health program and it design technology



Professor, Dr.Hab. Sh.Z. Khubbiev
Associate professor S.Sh. Namozova
Ph.D. T.L. Neznamova
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Keywords: individual health program, program design technology, competence, physical culture and sport.

Introduction. As stated in the educational standard of St. Petersburg State University states, the major competence related to physical culture and sport is that "the student is ready to properly use the idea of physical culture and the methods of physical education to improve health and adaptation reserves of the body, that will provide active professional life". The competence is formed in accordance with the curriculum on physical culture and sport. One of the types of implementation of the competence is "Health-improvement".  The level of development of the student's core physical culture and sport competence is assessed in the course of certification tests in the form of an interview by the individual health program (IHP) on physical culture and sport, designed by students. The requirements for the preparation and design of the IHP and for the organization and conduction of the certification tests are determined by the special instruction of the university. The successful completion of the tests signifies student's good level of development of the competence and is the ground for admission to the final state certification. However, up until now experts argue about the structure of IHP and the technology of its design [8].

The purpose of the study was to develop the structure of IHP on physical culture and sport and the technology of its preparation. To achieve this, we conducted an analysis of experience of the development of IHPs on physical culture and sport [2, 3].

Materials and methods. The first stage of testing the structure of IHP on physical culture and sport and the technology of its preparation was implemented in February and October 2013 involving more than 1503-4th year-students. The second stage is from October until the end of current year.

Results and discussion. According to the findings, designing of IHP can be considered as a process of making a managerial decision in application to pedagogical phenomena as pedagogical process is a managed system [1]. This does not exclude the fact that the strengthening of physical capacity corresponds to the rhythms of natural development of motor and other functions of the body and the mind of students. IHP optimizes the strengthening of health and the improvement of students’ efficiency.

The algorithmization of IHP design technology. The technology of IHP design is represented as a systemic algorithmic instruction, which includes the following sections.

I. Current educational and future professional activities. The description of current educational and future professional activities is represented as a professiogram. Taking into account the views of V.N. Druzhinin [3] it should include: the general information about the profession (name, purpose, duties of the personnel and the results of labour); the content of the activities (tasks, information flows and risks); the means of activities (display facilities, control elements and their placement); the organization of activities (type of loads, its level and work and rest regimen); the working conditions (sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic, social and psychological conditions); the description of the subject of activity (functions, functional states and communication).

The professiogram can be described in general terms: the work which involves a high level of mental stress; irregular working hours; trips; active work and living in the field; hypodynamia. The content of labor, the nature and the level of physical load and mental stress, experienced by the students, should also be described along with their effect on the body and mind, on the quality and effectiveness of activities.

II. Student's individual characteristics. Age, sex, physical condition (level of physical development and fitness and functional status), health group, experience in the sphere of physical culture and sport, inclinations, interests and needs in sport etc.

III. The orientation of IHP. A student can choose one of the following orientations: hygiene - the efficient optimization of current functional state of student's body and mind in everyday life; recreation - the use of physical exercises during active rest to relieve psychological and physical stress after work; preventive - prevention of excessive deformation in physical development and in personal development under the influence of professional activities; rehabilitation - elimination of negative effects of stress, physical and mental overloads, injuries and diseases; development - physical and sports perfection with health-improving effect; maintenance - stabilization of previously achieved functional abilities of the body and mind; correction - according to S.P. Evseev [10], the improvement of the defects in the development of musculoskeletal and analyzer systems, speech, intelligence, emotional and volitional system; improvement of somatic, functional, and other imperfections.

These orientations of IHP correspond with the ideas of L.I. Lubysheva [6] in the sphere of sports culture. She writes about the main values of sports activities: the knowledge, acquired in the course of organization of sports activities; the techniques of health-improving, conditioning and sports training; the ability to help an athlete recover after extreme loads and self-control.

IV. The purpose and objectives of IHP. The orientation of IHP defines its purpose and objectives. Therefore, the purpose can be: improve physical and mental performance; prevent adverse effects of the conditions of life and activities on the body and mind; recover the body after physical and mental overloads or diseases; physical or sports perfection with a health-improving effect.

The objectives of IHP can be: improve physical condition; increase adaptive reserves of the body; develop and improve motor abilities; promote mental development of students. Given the current views on university sport, it is necessary to provide the students with the knowledge on IHP design and its effective implementation in the course of study and future professional activities.

V. The principles of organization of training sessions. In order to justify his IHP, a student can rely on one or more of the following principles: didactic principles; the principle of natural and cultural conformity; the general principles of physical education; the specific principles of learning movements and development of physical qualities [7]; the monitoring of loads; the health-improving training [5].

VI. Types of health-improving physical culture and sport. While making up the sets of physical exercises with regard to the IHP orientation, the professiogram and individual features, a student should consider the health-improving effect of every type of physical culture and sport. It is necessary to selectively use: traditional sports, physical exercises; unconventional forms of motor activity; additional exercises. It is undesirable to use only additional or only unconventional types of physical culture and sport – it is better to combine them.

In IHP the use of different exercises should be optimized with regard to age and other individual features. So, people aged 18-39 years are recommended the following ratio of exercises according to the orientation of the development of physical qualities: overall endurance - 40%, speed endurance - 14%, speed-strength endurance - 27% and flexibility - 10%. If one of the qualities remains underdeveloped, according to comprehensive assessment of health, the time for improving this quality increases up to 50-60% of total time (except anaerobic and speed exercises) [9]. Cyclic aerobic exercises for overall endurance are effective when it is necessary to strengthen the cardiovascular system, prevent related diseases and increase the reserves of the cardiorespiratory system. These exercises are the basis of the programs of health-improving physical culture.

VII. Methods of health-improving physical culture and sport. The methods of health-improving training are selected depending on the purpose and objectives of IHP and are as follows: general pedagogical methods; specific methods - learning movements; methods of development of physical qualities; methods of organization of training. All the methods should be justified in view of their health-improving effect, IHP orientation, professiogram, student's individual characteristics, needs and interests.

VIII. Forms of organization of training sessions. A student can choose from the following forms: morning exercises; training session at fitness club, recreational or sports complex; training session in other organizations under the guidance of an instructor or independent training. At the same time the student should take into account: the regime of study or work and rest; whether he can afford training sessions; the proximity of sports facilities and organizations to the place of residence; free time; interests, needs and motivations, the ability to independently engage in physical activity; physical condition and the ability to strengthen and maintain health.

IX. Volume and intensity of loads. Based on his abilities, the specifics of labor and the type of physical activity, a student determines the volume and intensity of loads, the duration and content of rest intervals.

The implementation of IHP requires gradually increasing the volume and intensity of loads. If the initial fitness level is low, daily growth can be 3-5% of the achieved level of loads and with the increase of the level of fitness the increment is reduced. The weekly amount of physical activity for the improvement of health is 10-14 hours. The development of adaptive-regulatory mechanisms can lead to stress reduction, increase mental energy and effects of economization, anti-hypoxia, and gene-regulation [11].

The volume of load depends on the duration of IHP (week, month, semester or year), the regularity of sessions (developmental or preventive orientation - 3 times a week for 3 hours; maintenance orientation - 2 times a week for 2 hours). The duration of one session considering the purpose and objectives of IHP and available time should be 1-2 hours.

If health-improving training lasts 2-3 hours or more metabolic processes are stimulated and the fats become the main source of energy.

The intensity of load is determined by the power and direction of the impact of exercises on the student's body. The load triggers one or another mechanism of energy supply, activating the related functional systems, which, in turn, change the tactics and technique of movement performance. Unjustified increase in the intensity of load can cause the improper exertion of the mechanism of energy supply, that will lead, in case of a slight decrease in speed or quantity of training sessions, to dramatic reduction of the load. Therefore, the control of real intensity of exercises is required.

While designing the IHP the most significant loads in terms of their volume, nature, orientation, coordination difficulty and mental tension need to be determined. It is important to know that the developmental effect is provided by the great (100% of maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) and significant (80% of MOC) loads; the maintenance effect - by the average (50-60% of MOC) loads; the effect of recovery - by the load of 25-30% of MOC; the preventive effect is provided by the developmental loads.

The adaptive adjustment of the body requires some time. For the students with poor health, it may take 3-4 months of training with an average heart rate - 130-140 beats/min for the main part of the session [50].

Rest intervals should be planned with regard to the training objectives and the method of exercise. In case of the interval method of aerobic performance development it is advisable to reduce the heart rate to 120-130 beats/min, in case of repeated method - till its full recovery. The ordinary (complete), hard (incomplete) and super-compensating rest intervals should be used between the sets, exercises and training sessions.

In the development of strength, speed and agility the repeated loads are usually combined with complete and super-compensating intervals, and the development of endurance requires the use of all types of rest intervals.

The effect of the IHP implementation depends on the level and orientation of physical loads and the duration of the process of recovery.

XPlace for training sessions. Depending on conditions, nature and duration of educational and professional activities, training sessions can be carried out at fitness-club, health and fitness complex, at home, at the stadium, in outdoor areas, in a swimming pool, arena and other sports facilities independently or with a help of an instructor or a teacher.

XI. Methods of self-control during training. Health status during the training on IHP can be determined by the subjective and objective self-control methods. The subjective self-control methods involve the observation and consideration of the indicators according to SAN technique (The technique of diagnostics of health, activity and mood). The objective methods of self-control are based on the tests with the use of special equipment and instruments. 

XII. Safety measures require medical clearance for training on IHP, continuous monitoring of loads; the measures to prevent injury, spotting and self-spotting, assistance and compliance with the rules of behavior during training.

XIII. Technology of IHP implementation. The health-improving effect with the consideration of the age and health of the student is achieved when the heart rate is 100 - 170-180 beats/min. In order to control the intensity of load the student needs to know the lower and upper limits of his optimum heart rate and the limit of its oscillation. The lower limit of the pulse is - (220 - age * 0.6), and the upper limit - (220 - age * 0.7). The heart rate oscillations depend on a person, but the heart rate of 120-130 beats/min is optimal for beginners. Keeping the heart rate of 130-140 beats/min helps the beginners develop the overall endurance and in case of trained students - maintain its level. The maximum effect of overall endurance development is possible when the heart rate is 144-156 beats/min. Health-improving training which is supposed to improve physical performance of the students should include the exercises for the development of different types of endurance. The optimal health-improving effect is provided by the dosing of loads depending on: relative power (60-70% of MOC); absolute and relative frequency of exercises (typically 6-20 times); maximum number of repetitions (MR) in a predetermined time interval; whether the loads are in the range of 20-50% MR; physiological indicators of functioning of the body; subjective feelings.

The training session on IHP should consist of preparatory, main and final parts. The main part is 70-80% of training, and the preparatory and final parts - 30-20%. Each training session should begin with a warm-up, during which the load is gradually increasing and the muscles are being activated sequentially: upper limbs - torso - legs - whole body; the focus of exercises: accuracy - speed - agility - the strength - endurance on the principle "from large to small muscle groups". The exercises for the same muscles shouldn't be performed for two or more consecutive days, with the exception of the abdominal muscles, and the load should not cause significant fatigue.

The exercises to develop muscle groups should be arranged in the order of increasing difficulty: at the beginning - the easiest ones, then - more difficult exercises, and finally - the most difficult exercises. The sufficient load is used every other day, after work or studies, at the same time of the day. After a hearty meal it is desirable to wait 1.5-2 hours before training, which should be ended at least 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. For those who work in the first shift it would be better to train in the evening (6-8 p.m.), in case of the second shift - in the morning (the appropriate time for strength development is 10 a.m.-12 p.m.). In case of the night shift (11 p.m.-7 a.m.) the best decision would be a light workout at 6-7 p.m. after a good rest. The exercises, the volume and intensity of loads should be changed approximately every 1.5-2 months. The most difficult exercises should be performed in the middle of training, when the muscles are prepared. In the weekly cycle, the maximum loads should be used also in the middle of the cycle. Trainings for each month should be planned in waves: each week - different loads. The strength exercises should be performed for 40-60 minutes a day, three times a week, with at least one day rest interval. At the end of training the intensity level of exercises should be gradually reduced, bringing the body to a relatively calm state.

XVI. Test points of IHP correction. The correction should be done at the end of each cycle based on the indicators of self-control; injuries, diseases and the like require urgent corrections.

XVII. The risks of IHP implementation may involve: failure to comply with methodological principles; inaccurate or untimely correction of the program; incomplete implementation of IHP or the discontinuance of training; poor organization of the process of implementation; insufficiently competent educational counseling etc.

XVIII. The expected results of the IHP implementation: improved physical condition; development of motor abilities; proper mental development; increase of adaptive reserves of the body;  improvement of physical and mental performance; reduction of adverse effects of living and working conditions on the body and mind; recovery of the body after physical and mental overloads or past diseases; physical and sports perfection; ability to design IHP and effectively implement it in the course of studies and future professional activity.

XIX. IHP assessment criteria: the increase of adaptive reserves of the body as a result of: the fully implemented program; the implementation of 2/3 of total volume and requirements of the program; training in addition to the main classes; the improvement of the functional state of the body, physical development and physical fitness of the students.

The alternatives of the assessment of the increase in adaptive capacity: 20% of the original level as a result of implementation of 66.7% of total volume and requirements of the program; 30% of the original level as a result of the fully implemented program; 35-40% of the original level as a result of regular training in addition to the main classes.

Health effects of the implementation of the individual health program, seen in significantly improved results of physical condition and physical fitness can be assessed on the basis of the approach used when characterizing jogging and walking results [9]. These examples are applicable to other types of physical activity.

The process of preparing by students of individual health programs was accompanied by their general and individual counseling, methodological support, recommendations given to them, approved by the order of the university, etc. Then the designed individual health programs were presented by students to the commission to pass certification tests. Thanks to the efforts of the Department of Physical Culture and Sport and students themselves during the development of the individual health program to be implemented in daily educational and future professional activities, the students have shown a fairly good level of development of the core physical culture and sport competence.

Conclusions.  The individual health program implemented by students has proved the sufficient efficiency of the technology for their development, reflected in 70% of the students who presented their individual health programs "to the defence" and were successfully certified. Students displayed their ability to justify the basic provisions of the individual health programs, and to implement them in the educational and professional activities.


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