The Role and Place of History of Physical Culture and Sport in Teaching of Profile University Students
N.Yu. Mel'nikova, professor, Ph.D., President of Central Olympic Academy
Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPC), Moscow
Key words: education, teacher, history of physical culture, personality, motivation, formation and development.
The formation and development of a modern person take place in complex and contradictory conditions: on the one hand, scientific-technical revolution facilitates significant growth of capacities of his intelligence, and on the other hand, - sharp intensification of numerous factors, opposed to full-scale physiological adaptation of the body. The introduction to physical culture of all Russian citizens, young people in particular, is announced as a primary nation-wide problem by now.
The role of education at every historical phase changes depending on the value system accepted by human society. The ideas on the rules of human development in the educational process determine the essence, forms and methods of teaching and training, pedagogical thinking, teachers' and students' attitudes and lifestyle of educational institutions. The goals and tasks of education are an element of the social value-regulatory culture, derived from the social ideas on the human nature and potentials.
In compliance with this and the logics of the objective formation motive formation is the initial phase on the way of introducing into physical culture, using which the perspective model of individual mastering of some forms of physical culture is being developed.
The purpose of the study was to analyze the problem of motivation formation stipulating for activity in mastering of forms of physical culture, as well as detecting of the role and place of the history of physical culture and sport in the course of teaching students of specialized universities and forming the motivation for healthy way of life.
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