Study of Educational Environment of Physical Culture of Agroengineering University Students
R.R. Magomedov, professor, Dr.Hab.
Stavropol state pedagogical institute, Stavropol
T.D. Aliev
Azov Black sea state agroengineering academy, Zernograd
Key words: formation, development, physical culture, monotechnology, criticality, self-discipline, cognitive and learning activity.
The new strategy of development of higher professional education has formed the contradiction between modern goals of education and traditional technologies of realization of the teaching process. So integration has become the methodological basis of modernization of the Russian education.
The purpose of the study was to provide the technological justification of efficiency of the educational environment of physical culture of agroengineering university students.
The integrative approach serves the methodological basis of the designed innovation technology of organization of classes in the system of vocational training. The testing of the author’s technology of organization of classes provoked a number of qualitative changes. 62,8% of students had formed their firm motivation for perfection in physical culture. Only 8,6% of students (mainly from special medical group) could not estimate their attitude to physical culture, recognize physical exercises as an important method of recreation and increase of the physical health level. 71,2% had the high level of knowledge formed in the field of physical culture; while 89,5% – readiness for development in the sphere of physical culture, and only 10,5% of students refuse learning the new aspects of their physical health and promoting it, proving the high quality of the university classes on the discipline “Physical education” based on the author’s teaching technology.
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