Automated Assessment of Health and Physical Activity of University Students


Yu.D. Zheleznyak, professor, Dr.Hab. Moscow state regional university, Moscow
A.V. Leyfa, professor, Dr.Hab.
A.D. Plutenko, professor, Dr.Sci. Tech.
A.A. Ostapenko, Ph.D.
Amur state university, Blagoveshchensk
Yu.M. Perel'man, professor, Dr.Med.
N.F. Ul'yanychev, associate professor, Dr.Sci. Phys.-Math.
Far Eastern scientific center of physiology and pathology of respiration of Siberian branch of Russian academy of medical sciences, Blagoveshchensk

Key words: students of higher educational institutions, health, physical activity, health protection, automated system.
The purpose of the study was to design an automated system of assessment of health and level of physical activity of university students, giving the opportunity of long-term dynamic observation during university studies, data sorting and statistical analysis that provides for both operational monitoring of students' life and the capacity of development of scientifically approved technologies of physical activity and health protection.
The designed program almost completely releases an expert from the responsibility associated with routine calculation and extended data sorting, that essentially improves working efficiency.


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