Evaluation Criteria of Final Results in Physical Education of Children in Preschool Educational Institutions
L.A. Semenov, professor, Dr.Hab., Honorary Figure of Physical Culture
J.V. Kadochnikova, postgraduate
Surgut state pedagogical university, Surgut
Key words: preschool physical education, evaluation criteria, final results, physical fitness, continuity, programs.
The purpose of the study was to prove the necessity and determine unified evaluation criteria of final results of physical education of children in preschool educational institutions (related to conditional physical fitness).
The underdeveloped final (and consequently intermediate) results of programs assimilation are the relevant acute problem for realizing federal state requirements in preschool physical education. Existing sample programs lack the single and any all-round approach to estimation of conditional physical fitness, defining the solution of the main, recreational, task of physical education.
Even in case of available variety of programs of similar testing techniques their estimation scales are significantly different. Surely, providing «unified starting capabilities» for graduates of preschool educational institutions is impossible, claimed in federal state requirements in the sphere of physical education. The lacking uniform evaluation criteria are required to determine achievement of these capabilities.
The suggested in existing sample programs testing methods and final results of these programs significantly differ from the testing methods and minimal requirements to physical fitness of 7-year-olds in physical education. So the requirement of continuity of «the basic general education curricula of elementary education» in the sphere physical education cannot be implemented.
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