Formation of Applied Self Defence Skills of Female Students


V.V. Ponomarev
professor, Dr.Hab.
A.V. Yatskovsky, A.A. Mel'nichuk, D.G. Radchenko
postgraduates, Siberian state technological university, Krasnoyarsk

Key words: physical education, physical training, formation of applied self defence skills, female students.
Changed economic social lifestyle contributed to new social groups and intensive wealth divide processes related to various forms of property. Social contradictions promote intergroup and interpersonal conflicts. Now it is possible to satisfy the destructive demands via aggr
essive behavior. New types of deviant behavior are arising among men and women. Today in the collective consciousness man is strong and aggressive, which is provided by the specifics of training men in a family, making them be strong and make a show of strength, which is intesified by violence on video and cruelty of computer games. They provoke the reference group with value orientations and asocial targets. The confrontation with aggression is to be based on applied physical readiness to repulse an aggressor. So self defence courses, sessions in martial arts sports sections and clubs are getting more popular among girls, but they involve insufficient number of girls. The number can be increased by including a self defence course in university physical education.
The purpose of the study was to make a sociological analysis of the needs of female students in the knowledge, skills and abilities of self-defense.
The educational experiment proved high efficiency of the courseware on formation of applied self-defense skills in female university students during physical education, shown in the increase of overall and special fitness. Girls have become more socially confident, many of them continued their hand-to-hand sports sessions.


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