Search for New Methods of Training of Cross Country Skiers
A.E. Chikov, S.N. Chikova, S.V. Ryabchenko
associate professors, Ph.D.s, North (arctic) federal university named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk
A.K. Kudrin
Children's and youth sport school № 2. Severodvinsk
Key words: health, efficiency of skier's technique, mechanical output.
Nowadays training loadings of young cross country skiers are extremely high and it adversely affects their health, for athlete's body is not strong enough, but the result required is high. It results in athlete's debilitation in long-term training and impedes skier's training for the main competitions in the competitive period. Today it is inappropriate to improve results using only using the energy potential of body's functionalities and the total external mechanical power.
The purpose of the study was to consider the dynamics of special and technical skills of cross country skiers at phases of long-term improvement and the dynamics of specially trained in the competitive period.
The findings contribute to recommendation of the following approaches in training of cross country skiers: at the phases of long-term improvement and in the competitive period not to force the development of young athletes’ functionalities, to provide the boost of speed of cross-country skiing along with preserved health. It requires special attention paid to improvement of promoting effectiveness of the skiing technique. In the competitive period one should also be careful with planning of training exercises: excessive amount loads provoke fatigue and reduced propulsive efficiency of the technology, which significantly reduces the success of competitive performances and is accompanied by considerable stress for adaptive reserves.
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