Analysis of Curriculum «Marketing of Sports Organization» for Sport School Administrators
N.V. Kandaurova
associate professor, Ph.D.
Moscow state pedagogical university, Pedagogical institute of physical culture and sport, Moscow
Key words: manager, administrator, sports school, marketing, professional development.
Despite of the programs for administrators of sports organizations being actively promoted at present, the problem of qualitative professional training of middle-level managers, which, in the researchers' opinion include directors (deputy directors) of sport schools, is still relevant. If analyzing the needs of executives in respect learning managerial disciplines, one can state that they are interested in the aspects of personnel management and marketing of sports organizations.
The purpose of the study was to analyze the program "Marketing of sports organization" for sport school administrators.
The educational experiment was held in 5 phases in 2008–2012 at postgraduate courses. The first phase was dedicated to group questionnaire. At the 2nd phase the feedback was realized via the on-line survey. At the 3rd phase the second test was heal during the 8-9th months after finishing the postgraduate courses on the use of acquired knowledge in the managerial activity of the sport school administrator. The 4nd phase - comparative analysis and processing of the obtained data, the 5th - discussion of the findings and conclusions.
The findings prove that the research and information and visual-propaganda means of marketing should be used for work with parents, along with the methods of advertisement and public relations in management of a sport school. Presentation of sport school is important for public relations, especially in respect to parents. The use of the suggested means of marketing is a real need for effective organizational and administrative activity of sport schools at present.
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