Teaching Patriotism in Students within Institutions of Further Education


A.G. Moteponenko
A.V. Eganov
professor, Dr.Hab.
Ural state university of physical culture, Chelyabinsk

Key words: educational assistance, patriotism, participants of educational relations, students, institution of further education, applied martial arts.
The concept of patriotic education of Russian citizens reproduces the combination of adopted ideas on the state policy in the sphere of patriotic education.
The purpose of the study was to determine the orientation of the educational assistance of participants of educational relations on teaching patriotism in students within institutions of further education. The subjects of participants of educational relations are students, parents of minor students, teaching personnel and their representatives, organizations responsible for educational activities
Physical culture and sports activity of students within institutions of further education of children is to be considered as an integrative phenomenon in the unity and interdependence of its structural functions, such as the essence of components of values, forms, means and methods intended to form the spiritual and corporal unity.
The content, forms, means and method of educational exposures are presented to implement the part of the program of state patriotic education on pedagogical assistance of students within institutions of further education for children involved in martial arts.


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