Estimation of Physical Fitness Level of Pupils with Different Professional Profiles
N.F. Kolpakova
associate professor, Ph.D.
T.G. Kirillova
associate professor, Ph.D.
S.Ya. Fedorchuk
professor, Dr.Med.
South federal university, Rostov-on-Don
Key words: physical fitness, young men, professions: welder, carpenter and parquetry master, multiskilledmachine-tool operator.
The purpose of the present study was to examine physical fitness level of boys studying in a vocational training college.
The study resulted in a number of conclusions.
• High rate of development of physical fitness level in students specializing in "carpenter and parquetry master" can be explained not only by the specifics of profession, but also the influence on their development of the specifics of physical loadings in handball sports classes.
• Developing the program of applied professional physical training we took into account the features of the professional specialization of vocational college students. The proposed organization of physical education went through the practical test in a college and confirmed effectiveness of methods of development and improvement of those physical qualities, which are necessary for the implementation of professional activity.
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