Attitude to Sports Nutrition of Students of Faculty of Physical Culture
V.Yu. Ziambetov
associate professor, Ph.D.
Orenburg state pedagogical university, Orenburg
Key words: loadings, athletes, sports nutrition, specialization, supplements, training process, students, organism, sport, recommendations.
Modern science has so far accumulated a large information base in the field of training of athletes of different levels and training phases. Today we can watch spectacular performances and world records of athletes along with millions of people, including children.
Many "experts" claim that an athlete needs only three standard meals a day. This false idea contradicts everything that modern science has discovered in the last twenty years. In fact, the results in competition would be completely different in case of optimal nutrition, which is hardly possible without using sports nutrition.
The purpose of the study was to study the attitude of students of different specializations of the university physical education faculty for using sports nutrition to increase sports results.
Thus, sports nutrition is created specifically for heavy loads in sport so that the body could get the necessary dose of nutrients and microelements, and athletes could improve a little and direct the work of their body to achieve the necessary sports result within a short period of time.
It is widely believed that sports nutrition is bad, but as of today is has been proved that in most cases, when used correctly, there is nothing bad in it: these are only natural components, within the required daily dose for the body and vitamins which enable to maintain excellent physical shape.
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