Phases of Formation of Remedial Gymnastics as an Educational Discipline
L.V. Surkova
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Key words: history of remedial gymnastics, periods of formation of educational discipline of remedial gymnastics, elements of remedial gymnastics, system approach.
Pedagogical science gives the following definition of the subject: a range of specific knowledge forming a specific educational discipline, that is what cognitive activity is directed to, and subject field is outlines, conventional limits of knowledge, which are typical for a particular discipline. Educational discipline is this branch of scientific knowledge, included in the curriculum of the educational institution in accordance with its purpose.
Remedial gymnastics is scientific and practical, medical and pedagogical discipline that studies the theoretical grounds and methods of use of physical culture for treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of various diseases.
Like any pedagogical, educational discipline, remedial gymnastics has its own history, theoretical foundations, defined goals and objectives, subject of study, clearly designated content, educational and methodological support.
The process of formation of remedial gymnastics as a pedagogical, educational discipline has taken a significant historical period. The basic elements of remedial gymnastics have been formed and developed gradually, in several phases. The finalization of remedial gymnastics as a medical and educational discipline occurred in the 30s of the XX century.
Subsequently, the system of remedial gymnastics has been improved gradually in accordance with the arising new knowledge, challenges, modern approaches to the problems of physical culture, physical education, health care.
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