The Attitude of Parents of Schoolchildren to Family Physical Education



L.G. Paschenko
associate professor, Ph.D.
O.S. Krasnikova
Yu.V. Korichko
associate professor, Ph.D.
Nizhnevartovsk state university, Nizhnevartovsk

Key words: family physical education, parents, schoolchildren, cooperative motor activity.
The purpose of the present work was to study the attitudes of parents of pupils of comprehensive schools to the issues of family physical education.
There is a growing social trend of dissociation of many parents from addressing issues of education and child's personal development. The conducted study revealed that modern family which should create the foundation of the child's physical development today is not ready to tackle this problem. Proceeding from the results of the questionnaire, parents are aware of the importance of physical culture and sport for health protection and promotion, while there is a low level of motor activity and the insufficient level of parental education in respect to the organization and content of physical education. Modern parents are not fully informed in the field of physical culture and sport and sometimes use the means and methods of family physical education intuitively. The knowledge of motor culture children have not received in the family, the unformed skills to perform physical actions result in the difficulties in the development of the content of the curriculum on the subject "Physical Culture" in schools.


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