Virtual Educational Environment of University of Physical Culture



R.R. Khadiullina
M.I. Galyautdinov

associate professor, Ph.D.
Volga region state academy of physical culture, sport and tourism, Kazan

Key words: virtual educational environment, distance learning, student-athletes.
The specificity of the student-athlete's educational activities in addition to the learning process involves an active training process associated with training for and participation in competitions of different levels, which results in the low attendance of classes. One of the rational ways out of this situation is the distance learning, carried out using a specially created virtual educational environment. Virtual educational environment makes the educational process personality-centered, taking into account the specifics of the implementation of educational and sports activities of student-athletes.
The purpose of the present study was to analyze a number of works that reveal the concepts of information and virtual educational environment and give their own interpretation of terms in the context of the educational process of student-athletes in universities of physical culture.
Thus, it can be assumed that the basic part of distance learning of a student-athlete is a specially designed virtual learning environment (as a part of the information educational environment), in which all participants of the educational process stay and interact with each other, harmoniously integrating the capabilities of distance learning in the full-time education and aimed at the independent cognitive activity, formation of self-control skills, self-determination, ability to form an individual educational trajectory.


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