Emotions and Their Effect on Technical Performance of Sambo Wrestlers
E.M. Nasyrova
Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPhC), Moscow
Key words: emotions, quality of throw performance.
The preliminary introduction to the information field to identify the emotional support of sports activities of sambo wrestlers enabled to see and practically and theoretically formulate the actual problem, the essence of which is that the influence of emotions on the quality of performance of technical action is poorly studied. Consequently, there is no guarantee against errors in the psycho-pedagogical support of training of sambo wrestlers.
The resolution of this problem necessarily requires a special research, which puts a few tasks before us:
- to identify the most common basic emotions of sambo wrestlers;
- to determine the specific features of their display;
- to systematize the procedures of determining and measuring the direction, level (degree) of impact of some emotional exposures;
- to develop a mechanism for neutralization, substitution, adjustment and stimulation of multidirectional emotional effect, eventually, stabilizing the quality of performance of technical actions by sambo wrestlers.
The author's fundamental research in the context of solving the above mentioned tasks has enabled to formulate several target analytical reports.
The purpose of the study was to identify the relationship of emotions with the quality of performance of technique by sambo wrestlers.
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