Comparative Analysis of Biodynamic and Biomechanical Characteristics of Direct Right Straight at Phases of Initial Training and Sports Perfection
M.Yu. Stepanov
A.M. Yakupov
Chaykovsky state institute of physical culture, Chaykovsky
Key words: dynamic characteristics of strike actions, straight technique, biomechanical characteristics, correlation.
In the theory of sports training and in didactic biomechanics significant place is given to solution of the problems of technical training of elite athletes. The analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on boxing shows that a certain consistency of leg, body and arm movements provides a significant increase in the boxer's striking force.
According to experts, right straight is one of the most effective techniques directly affecting the success in a fight.
The analysis of the methodical and scientific literature has revealed significant differences in the authors' views regarding the technique of performance of holds, which conditioned our address his problem.
The purpose of the present study was to conduct a comparative biomechanical and biodynamical analysis of straight in beginners and boxers of the training group of the third year of study.
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