Planning of Teaching Material on the Subject «Physical Education» in Terms of the Concept of Sports Training
V.K. Spirin
Ph.D., Dr.Hab.
V.A. Bagina
associate professor, Ph.D.
I.A. Rissamakina
Velikie Luki State academy of physical culture and sport, Velikie Luki
E.A. Popova
Smolensk state academy of physical culture, sport and tourism, Smolensk
Key words: planning, principle of cyclic organization of classes, cumulative effect, physical education, physical education lesson.
The purpose of the present study was to develop the structured order of planning of teaching material that enables to organize the system of classes in term of the concept of sports training, being undertaken with regard to the principles of cyclicity, continuity and gradual organization of classes, expressing the objective logic of the organization of the process of physical education.
Methodically competent planning of physical culture activity of schoolchildren should be based on the number of general methodological and special principles, reflecting the rules of the stimulated development of motor qualities and teaching motor actions, provide cumulative effect of the system of educative and training exposures.
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