Formation of Sports Competences of Technical University Students during Vocational Training



I.V. Retyunsky, candidate
V.V. Ponomarev, professor, Dr.Hab.
Siberian State Technological University, Krasnoyarsk

Key words: sports competences, students, physical education, vocational training, organizational and methodological conditions.
Creation in the university environment of conditions for the formation of students' sports competences is a contemporary and productive direction in the content of physical education of young university students. Modern physically fit specialists are to be trained only in the unity and interrelation of professional and sports competences in the process of university vocational training. Currently, universities are not quite ready to provide quality expert training, which would correspond to the pace and level of development of modern multipolar production and society.
One of the factors that negatively affect the productivity of studies is an insufficient level of development of physical culture and sports competence while learning in a higher school as a condition for maintaining mental and physical activities, present and future highly qualified specialists.
The purpose of the present study was to develop and scientifically justify the structure and content of sports competences of technical university students.
In the study we proposed the concept of the key direction of "sports competences of university students". It represents theoretical knowledge and practical skills accumulated in students in the course of physical education that enable young persons to do physical culture and sports individually and independently, to cultivate a healthy lifestyle, to maintain applied professional physical fitness, practice in judging and instructing and plan acquired skills and knowledge of sports activity for the future public-social and working life.


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