Sensitive Periods of Qualification of Teenagers for Boxing Classes
A.R. Mamaev, postgraduate. Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevev, Saransk
M.A. Yanuchev, professor, Dr.Hab.
Key words: sensitive period, adolescence, physical qualities, boxing, physical load, training process.
Sports qualification is one of the main theoretical and applied medico-biomedical problems of physical culture and sports. Such an aspect as early orientation of young athletes to specific sports attracts special attention of scientists and practitioners.
Sensitive periods of development of various physical qualities are shown heterochronically. Therefore, in different age groups training exposures on the development of certain qualities should be the well-adapted to this age. It is accompanied by the most pronounced development of physical qualities - strength, speed, endurance, agility and flexibility, the adaptation to physical load occurs in the best possible way, functional reserves of the body are developed best of all, which is good for health and the quality of later life.
The purpose of the present study was to analyze the sensitive periods of qualification of teenagers for boxing classes.
Owing to the theoretical analysis of the identified problem, researches related to sensitive periods of development of motor abilities are considered as especially relevant at the moment. Human physical qualities underlie motor abilities (capabilities) and include: speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and agility. Development of physical qualities is among the primary objectives of physical education.
Sensitive periods should be considered during the sports qualification to correctly estimate the body state and the features of physical qualities in boxing. Age features significantly limit the development of speed of movement. The age of 11-12 years for girls and 12-13 years for boys is the best.
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