The Role of Family in Health Protection and Rehabilitation



G.F. Andreeva, Ph.D.
Saratov State Medical University, Saratov
L.Yu. Arkhipova, Ph.D.
Institute of Social Education, branch of Russian State Social University, Saratov
E.M. Larina, associate professor, Ph.D.
Saratov State Agrarian University, Saratov

Key words: adolescents, attitude to health, first-year students, health protection, adaptation to learning process.
Health of family, which being a component of public social health, is the basis of the national security of our country. Family consists of individuals who brought to a newly formed social unit its concept of establishment, preservation and strengthening of health. The basic principles of health formation, knowledge of the laws while raising children help parents keep their own health too. The interaction of social institutions in the consolidation of marriage, raising children, improvement and strengthening of health of the population, particularly the family institution, the Institute of education and Institute of Public Health, is getting particularly important today considering such a difficult demographic situation in the country.
The purpose of the present study was to analyze the structure of values of 9-formers (boys and girls aged 14-15 years old) of the comprehensive school and the lyceum. In the childhood parents are responsible for their child's health protection while in the adolescence it is man who takes care of his own health.
The study conducted among the Saratov lyceum and comprehensive schoolchildren showed that health is not a significant value for adolescents and it occupies the 6th and 5th places in the structure of value orientations, respectively.


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