Methodological Techniques of Realization of Sports Selection Based on Integrated Assessment of Coordinating Abilities at Different Phases of Sports Training



V.L. Botyaev, associate professor, Ph.D.
Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

Key words: sports selection, coordinating abilities, prospective-prognostic models, methodological techniques.
The problem of improving the system of sports selection and orientation of the most talented children and adolescents to active sports occupations is an independent research area requiring constant development and search for new methodological approaches aimed at addressing technical issues of improvement of the system of sports selection along with theoretical ones.
The purpose of the present research was the methodological substantiation of the process of integrated assessment of coordinating abilities at different phases of sports training.
The conducted educational experiment, the results obtained in it, enabled us to formulate a number of conceptual provisions that will ensure the effective implementation of differential approach.
Thanks to observing the above provisions while assessing the development of coordinating abilities the initial level of coordinating skills can be objectively assessed, the process of formation of coordinating abilities can be monitored at various phases of long-term training, as well as organization of an individual trajectory of technical training is preconditioned if comparing individual indicators of development with the established standards for coordinating skills.


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