Specifics, Characteristics and Components of Cheerleading as Sports Discioline



M.A. Kuz'min1, 2, R.G. Tikhonov3
1 Associate professor, Ph.D.
2 Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University, Moscow
3 National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg

The purpose of the study was to analyze the key aspects of cheerleading as a sport discipline.
These studies show that cheerleading has been developing as an independent sports discipline worldwide for over a decade. It has rules and imposes certain requirements on performance skills of an athlete and the team as a whole. Given the tendency to attract new athletes and teams, where the number of teams-participants in every Russian competition has increased from 15 to 80 in the last five years, we can say that cheerleading is one of the fastest growing and most popular sports with a good potential for further development.

Keywords: cheerleading, Federation, competitions, performance skills, composition, combination.


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