Primary Errors in Shooting among Student-Biathletes during Competition



T.V. Bryukhovskikh1, 4, D.A. Shubin2, 4, V.V. Ponomarev3, 5
1 Postgraduate student
2 Associate professor, Ph.D.
3 Professor, Dr.Hab.
4 Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
5 Siberian State Technological University, Krasnoyarsk

The study was dedicated to identification and structuring of the basic tactical and technical errors in shooting made by student-biathletes in competitions.
According to this study, it is hard for the surveyed biathletes not to think about shooting during the race, as well as being on the firing line, and thoughts can be both positive and negative. In terms of technique no problems have been revealed in weapons training. However, all respondents have errors and do not consider their level of shooting skills high. It is believed that irrelevant thoughts during shooting, as well as its analysis on the track during the competition prevent athletes from achieving high results in shooting, and hence in the race as a whole.

Keywords: biathlon, university students, weapons training, tactical and technical errors, psychophysical readiness competition.


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