Physical Conditioning of the Body as an Efficiency Criterion of Training and Competitive Processes of Junior Football Players
B.D. Yudin1, 2, Sh.Ya. Sabitov3
1 Professor, Dr.Med.
2 Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPGU), Moskow
3 Director of Chertanovo Education Center, Moskow
Modern medical computer technologies are an optimal way to estimate physical conditioning of the body. The research was aimed at determining the level of physical conditioning of the body using the "AMSAT" system during training and competitive activities of junior football players.
When considering physical conditioning, athlete's psychological preparedness should be always taken into account that can affect both physical fitness, and performance of technical and tactical actions.
It can be stated that the indicators of physical conditioning of members of the junior football team are at a relatively high level.
Keywords: training process, functional status, physical conditioning, "AMSAT" system.
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