Change in Pupil Assessment Approach as One of Conditions to Increase Motivation to Physical Education Lessons



E.M. Revenko
Associate professor, Ph.D.
Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy (SibADI), Omsk

The purpose of the study was to scientifically substantiate the need to change the approach to assessment of the progress in physical education on the basis of consideration of individual typological features of developmental age of students.
Complex studies suggest that the peaks of the dynamics of development of motor skills and intelligence in adolescence do not match. In this case, two polar groups are clearly distinguished: teenagers with the accelerated development of motor abilities on the background of reduced intelligence dynamics and teenagers with high intelligence dynamics on the background of relatively less pronounced growth rates of motor abilities. Obviously, the facts revealed are the result of heterochronous development of motor and mental spheres, which are believed to be manifested in the individual-typological variants of developmental age. The dynamics of the examined abilities is associated with typological features of display of the properties of the nervous system. In this regard, it is clear that the detected developmental age specificity has a biological background.

Keywords: physical education, control tests, dynamics of overall physical development, intelligence dynamics, developmental age options, motivation.


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