Anthropoecobiorhythmological model as a basis for learning and health developing activities in educational process
O.P. Panfilov1, 4, V.V. Borisova2, 4, V.N. Davidenko3, 4, L.V. Rudneva3, 4, V.N. Morozov3, 4, V.A. Dubrovin3, 5
1Dr.Biol., professor
2 Ph.D., associate professor, мастер спорта СССР
3 Ph.D., associate professor
4 Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy, Tula
5 Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astaf'ev, Norilsk
The present paper deals with the problem of creating anthropobiorhythmological model as the basis for developing training system that would help settle the problems of health improvement and management of physical and mental development of pupils and students.
Formation of a new biorhythmological profile (according to current needs) is, on the one hand, a kind of biological protection of the body from the effects of adverse factors, and on the other - an effective form of life support under large amount of educational and social load in extreme environmental conditions.
Keywords: health developing system, fitness technologies, classification of biorhythms, anthropobiorhythmology, phenotypic adaptation, microcosm, geomagnetic field, meteo-weather index.
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