Level of sensorimotor coordination as one of factors of formation of school-valued functions in senior preschool age children aged 5-7 years



V.Yu. Vaysvalavichene1, 4, M.A. Kaymin2, 4, V.K. Efimov3, 4
1 Postgraduate
2 Professor, Ph.D.
3 Ph.D., associate professor
4Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow

Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow
The paper presents the data on the relationship of development of motor abilities, in particular coordination, in senior preschool age children aged 5-7 years with the level of development of school-valued functions characterized by vasomotor and auditory-motor coordination and fine motor coordination. The use of the experimental method based on the model program, containing a list of exercises and outdoor games to choose from, structured by type of perception and type of sensorimotor coordination related to them has contributed to a significant increase of the level of motor abilities and school-valued functions in 5-7 year olds during their pre-school training.

Keywords: motor abilities, sensorimotor coordination, school-valued functions, readiness to learn in school.


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