Functional dependence of quality of mistakes made by chess players of varying skill levels in endgame on their number
A.S. Gusakov
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow
The paper contains a research of typical mistakes made by highly skilled chess players, an analysis of a large number of fragments of all kinds of endings of games of highly skilled chess players. The typical mistakes made by those chess players were revealed. On the basis of such mistakes tests were developed that can diagnose any weakness in the endgame of chess players of varying skill levels. The analysis resulted in the elaboration of recommendations which are as follows. When analyzing his own games a chess player do not need to take into account the mistakes made in the range from 0 to 0.2, because the skill and experience of players of varying skill levels on the subconscious level is not able to detect such mistakes, they can be detected only by the computer, and it is important only in the case with computer games. Knowing these features chess players will save time when analyzing their own games. To date, specialized tests for chess players of varying skill levels are being developed with a coefficient of error of 0.2 to 0.9, so that any player could easily diagnose his skills and knowledge in any type of endings. This will contribute to a more thorough training for the problem type of ending and thereby reduce the number of mistakes.
Keywords: computer analysis, chess mistake.
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