Problems of moral and ethical education of students of physical culture university
V.I. Mikhalev1, 3, N.M. Kostikhina2, 3
1 Dr.Hab., professor
2 Ph.D., professor
3 Siberian State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, Omsk
The papers contains the results of the study related to identification of the characteristics of formation of moral and ethical behavior of students of physical culture university on the basis of the structure of personality trait (motive and action) and the level of self-esteem and self-criticism.
The authors suggested a program for the formation of moral and ethical behavior of students, which included the following sections: essence of moral concepts (discussion); self-esteem and personality development (discussion); means and methods of self-appraisal (discussion); independent tasks and problematic issues followed by group discussion.
Owing to the implementation of the program significant changes in self-esteem and self-criticism of students were identified:
- An adequate level of self-esteem significantly dominates in the experimental and control groups of students - 80% and 45% respectively; in the girls from the experimental and control groupd - 80% and 70%, respectively;
- 55% of boys and 75% of girls in the experimental group and 40% of boys and 40% girls in the control group have an adequate level of self-criticism.
Positive changes were observed in the moral component of self-improvement.
Keywords: students, motive, action, ideal, anti-ideal, self-esteem, self-education.
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