Professional development of specialist in physical culture and sport



N.V. Masyagina1, 3, S.V. Nachinskaya2, 3
1 Ph.D., associate professor
2 Dr.Sc.Econ., professor
3 Department of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow

Moscow training center of Moscow sport committee, Moscow
The assessment of the features of professional development of specialist in the field of physical culture and sport is given in the present paper and the ways to optimize this process are identified. In order to assess these features personal biographies of 30 outstanding specialists in the field of physical culture and sport were examined. According to the examined biographies, our specialists have achieved outstanding success in the sports, social, political and public areas, radically changed their professional destiny several times in their life: before entering the university they were actively engaged in physical culture and sport, after graduation they consciously started sports activities and when their sports career was over they were involved in public work. Given the need for higher education, as well as a conscious transition from one stage of professional activity to another outstanding athletes should create appropriate conditions for continuing education.

Keywords: professional development, knowledge concept, competency-based concept, sports, continuing education.


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