Program-methodical support of applied professional training of water-rescue teams of Russian Emergency Ministry
S.F. Eremin
Moscow State Regional University, Moscow
The purpose of the research was to provide an experimental substantiation of the effectiveness of the program of applied professional physical training of water rescue teams of the Russian Emergency Ministry.
The paper contains the elements of the program of applied professional physical training and the regulatory guidelines for its implementation.
Effective implementation of the program developed for the water rescue teams of the Russian Emergency Ministry of Russia provides the following interdependent components: a) the sections of the program should be designed so as to ensure the full effect on the diver for the formation of professionally important qualities and skills; b) the use of sets of exercises should ensure an improvement in physical and special fitness of divers.
The introduction in the professional work of water rescuers of the Russian Emergency Ministry of the Moscow region of the program of applied professional physical training can significantly improve the indicators of physical development, functional state of the respiratory system and psycho-physiological abilities, which in turn, provides effective rescue operations in the water areas.
Keywords: professionally important qualities, educational process, methodical features, applied professional physical training of rescuers.
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