Organization of measures on promotion of physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation based on historical sports heritage materials
E.A. Istyagina-Eliseeva1, 2, E.E. Barienikova2
1 Ph.D., Associate Professor
2 Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow
The current model of promoting physical culture and sport and the possibility of its improvement in today's Russia are considered in the paper. Modern methods of promotion on the federal level sometimes disregard the peculiarities of development of regional and municipal units, while, according to some experts, it seems promising to implement comprehensive actions of federal agencies in cooperation with regional and public organizations in view of their level of development and material and technical support.
A conclusion of this paper can be presented by the theses about the need to implement the following actions: creating a harmonious system of agitation, ensuring the coordination of all media and promotion of physical culture; forming a continuous propagandistic process and the continuity of the propaganda influence, combining different forms of propagandistic, educational activities with physical culture and sports activities; differentiation of the approach to the propaganda of sport among various categories and groups of population; improvement of the theoretical and methodological preparation of the propagandistic personnel.
Keywords: promotion, physical culture, historical heritage means.
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