Program of physical and technical-tactical training of junior tennis players in training period of annual cycle in the phase of initial specialization



R.E. Petrunin1, 3, V.Yu Karpov2, 4
1 Ph.D.
2 Dr.Hab, Professor
3 Children and Youth Sports School of Olympic Reserve № 6, Adler Tennis Academy, Sochi
4 Russian State Social University, Moscow

The current trend in the development of tennis requires systematic improvement of the scientific theoretical and technological bases of the long-term training of tennis players. The authors present the results of research and justification of the content of the program of physical and technical-tactical training of junior tennis players in the pre-season of the annual cycle of sports training at the stage of initial specialization. It is focused on the redistribution of volumes of training loads of junior tennis players in the pre-season of the annual training cycle, the consistent implementation of which can influence the development of coordination abilities and take into account the specificity of game actions of tennis players during rally. The program is in line with the specifics of formation of technical-tactical skills and psycho-physical qualities, promotes timely diagnostics and correction of the level of physical fitness, technical-tactical skills of junior tennis players. It makes it possible to modernize the training process of junior athletes involved in tennis, improve the physical and technical efficiency in playing and competitive activities.
The results can be used to develop training programs for tennis groups of initial sports specialization in Children and Youth Sports Schools and Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve with junior athletes of individual team sports, as well as in the training of students of universities of physical culture and in advanced training and professional retraining of tennis coaches.

Keywords: program, physical and technical-tactical training, phase of initial specialization, pre-season, annual cycle, game situation.


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