Development of karate as a sport in modern conditions
A.N. Kondrat'ev
Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy, Tula
In recent years the matter of protection and promotion of people’s health, training of not only healthy, but also strong, ready to work and defend the country, self-actualized and self-confident young generation is getting more acute for the state. The means of karate are among the most effective ways to implement this task due to its application and popularity. The variety of available styles of karate indicates its uniqueness and versatility. Differences in styles, various versions of the competition rules and a large number of competitive programs mean freedom of creativity, of exercising one’s personality and great opportunities for self-actualization of athletes in different physical conditions, of varied character traits and level of development of certain physical qualities. Karate is uniform in its essence, but it is his "diversity" that makes it possible to treat with tolerance the abilities of those who want to train, and largely this is the reason why karate is so popular.
The researchers believe that the development of this kind of martial arts in Russia and abroad is being constrained by two main factors: the strive of the state to bring together all styles, to unify the rules of the competition in order to create a single kind of sport on the basis of karate and the lack of the concept, i.e. a logically determined idea of karate as a social phenomenon.
Given the acute need for the development of mass sport and modernization of physical education of the younger generation the introduction of innovative technologies with the use of karate means is justified and can be relevant not only in physical education of primary pupils, but also in continuing education in general.
Thanks to the tolerant attitude to different styles of karate and providing maximum opportunities for self-actualization of athletes the level of development of physical culture and sport can be increased in terms of the main criteria - indicators of the sector development: number of people regularly engaged in physical culture and sport and performance of athletes of the country in official international competitions.
Keywords: martial arts, deterrents, development factors, sociological analysis, forecast of development.
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