Ways to improve teaching of physical education in schools
V.A. Malinin
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTsOLIFK), Moscow
The paper was based on the research of some management issues in the activities of workers of physical culture in secondary schools in the country and is aimed at finding the ways to improve the management activity in the sphere of physical culture in the educational system, particularly in a secondary school. The paper contains a brief historical overview of the stages and directions of management of physical culture in the school education sector. The positive and negative trends in the management of the process of improving the school process of teaching the subject "Physical Education" were stipulated in the review. There were indicated some reasons related to management, entailing a decline in the quality of teaching of the subject "Physical Education" in secondary schools, the loss of prestige of the profession of the physical education teacher, reducing of the importance of exercises in the pupil’s daily routine and in the comprehensive school learning process. It was suggested considering some aspects of development of management of the secondary school process of physical education across the country, aimed, in the author’s opinion, at improving the quality of management of physical culture in education. The issues of improving management at the level of public managers responsible for elaboration of strategic goals and objectives, and at the level of physical education teacher, directly responsible for the quality of teaching the subject in secondary school, were addressed. In particular, there was considered the possibility of creating acceptable working conditions for physical education teachers, along with the revealed need to create a separate regulatory body to deal only with the methodological work and correction of physical development, enhancement of physical fitness, rehabilitation of the pupils assigned to the group of children with impaired health.
Keywords: physical education, management system, management, physical education in secondary school, physical education teacher, physical education instructor-methodologist.
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