Mechanism of self-development of sport for all



S.N. Litvinenko
Dr.Hab, Professor
Rostov branch of Russian Customs Academy, Rostov-on-Don

Sport for all is a variety of types and forms of physical activity, including non-competitive ones, based on the personal interest of citizens in such activities. The mechanism of self-development of sport for all is based on the need of individuals to gain independence and enjoy doing sports.
Sport for all has an independent social value as a way of significant improvement of the "quality of life" of millions of people of different ages and levels of fitness rather than the basis of a "pyramid" for development of elite sport. It is suggested substituting the scheme of a "pyramid" for the scheme of a "magnet", in which elite sport and sport for all are associated with the dialectical relationship of the "unity and struggle of opposites".

Keywords: sport for all, development of sport for all, "magnet" scheme instead of "pyramid", mechanism of self-development of sport for all, fun from sports activities.


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