Specifics of Time Perception by Junior Athletes of Middle Ob Region at Latitudinal Displacement
Associate professor, Ph.D. V.V. Apokin
Associate professor, Ph.D. A.A. Povzun
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.D. Povzun
Associate professor, Ph.D. O.A. Fyntyne
Surgut state university of KhMAR-Yugra, Surgut
Associate professor, Ph.D. N.N. Sidorova
Gymnasium "Salakhov's laboratory", Surgut
Keywords: adaptation, zone time, displacement, internal chronometry, athletes.
Introduction. Under the conditions of such a large and climatically diverse country like Russia, sports skills can be improved not only in case of qualitative changes introduced into teaching and training and educational activities, not only in case of big changes in the forms of organization and procedure of training sessions, but also by thorough consideration of the effect of environmental conditions and climatic factors of living conditions and training of athletes, which can be important enough for the improvement of sports skills [2, 5]. These very factors make athletes of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region travel to training camps in the South of Russia from time to time. However, in addition to changed climatic conditions and more strenuous exercises, which are inevitable in training camps, latitudinal displacements make the body of athlete experience the effects of changing several time zones, which will undoubtedly influence its functional and adaptive capabilities. For the athletes who live and train in the northern latitudes, that issue does not just become relevant, it requires first of all understanding of the implications. The intense physical and emotional stress, regularly experienced by athletes, can cause prominent physiological changes in the body, and the "physiological cost" of high sports results could be the reduction of the body's adaptive capabilities [6, 7]. These issues are of a particular concern in relation to young athletes, as a growing body is most sensitive to the damaging effects and primarily responds to the rhythmostasis changes [8, 10].
The purpose of the research was to identify and scientifically justify effective conditions of adaptation for junior athletes of the Middle Ob region during latitudinal displacement.
Materials and methods. The impact of zone time displacement on the state of adaptive capabilities of junior athletes was assessed and changes in the structure of biorhythms of the circulatory system vital signs after a flight through several time zones was compared in athletes residing and training in the conditions of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District [9]. There was noted a very high stability of the rhythm and hence the body's high adaptive reserve.
At the same time the authors who assessed in the same group the dynamics of the parameters of the state vector of the human body in a 4-dimensional phase space based on the state of the cardiovascular system [11], has revealed that the athletes' bodies react to the standardized load by the change of the leading parameter characterizing the activity of the central ergotropic and humoral-metabolic mechanisms of the heart rate regulation, which, they believe, is necessary for the implementation of an instant adaptation to changing conditions. Since during the analysis of the structure of the rhythm of the hemodynamic indices we have not seen any significant changes in the vegetative status [9] then we have assumed that the change of the master parameter and the activity of the central ergotropic and humoral-metabolic mechanisms of the heart rate regulation in athletes represent only the reaction caused by the flight, which means it can also be related to the emotional preflight state. The fact that the displacement of the vegetative status occurred in the direction of sympathicotonia, which is not a typical response to the load among athletes, confirmed this assumption.
To answer this question we have attempted to perform a biorythmological assessment of the change of the length of the so-called individual minute during the flight (IM), because it is the ability to estimate time intervals, on the one hand, that is regarded as a criterion of adaptation capabilities of the body [2], on the other hand - the inner timing depends on the emotional state of the tested subject [3]. In addition, there is a close relationship between the duration of an "individual minute" and the organization of circadian biorhythms [4].
In order to determine the length of an individual minute one must assess the compliance of the countdown duration carried out by the testee and the duration of real physical time. Methods of determining the duration of the individual minute when counting during the time period of 1 min: after starting the stopwatch one must start counting from one to sixty in such a rhythm that each count fell to 1 sec (as the testee feels it). On the count of "60" the stopwatch is stopped. In case of an even count there shall be measured about 1 minute on the dial, at an accelerated count - less than 55 seconds, at a slow count - more than 60 seconds. The number of seconds during which the testee reaches 60 characterizes the duration of time flow specific to that person - his individual minute. Its duration measurements were carried out in 33 athletes of 16-18 years of age, specializing in strength-speed (sprint) kinds of athletics. All of them are members of the KhMAO-Yugra team and are holders of I-II sports categories. Simultaneously all of them flew from Surgut to the area of Kislovodsk to participate in the general training stage of the training camps and then remained there for 15 days, in the conditions of a zone time displacement and climatic conditions of the region's main place of residence. The measurements were started three days before departure, were carried out during the stay at the training camp facility and ended within three days after returning home. The measurements were carried out from chronobiological positions 4 times a day: at 8, 12, 16 and 20 o'clock. The obtained data was subjected to a standard mathematical processing. There were estimated the average daily value (mesor), the amplitude of the rhythm, the timing of overall high values of the function (acrophase) and the peak-to-peak value (chronodesm).
Results and discussion. Analyzing the rhythm indicators we should note that any significant stability or regularity in changing of the acrophase position of the IM have not been found, and therefore the athletes failed to avoid desynchronisation of the rhythm which is not surprising, given the age and determinability of the estimated value by the emotional state of the nervous system (Table 1).
Tabe 1. Changes of basic parameters of individual minute rhythm of athletes after flight and when staying outside of their geographic region and time zone
Day of stay |
Mesor |
Amplitude |
Acrophase |
Chronodesm |
3rd before the flight |
58,3 ± 1,98 |
6,4 ± 0,81 |
20.00 |
54,7 – 62,9 |
2nd before the flight |
58,7 ± 3,41 |
4,0 ± 1,01 |
16.00 |
56,9 – 66,5 |
1st before the flight |
59,4 ± 2,11 |
5,1 ± 0,87 |
20.00 |
55,8 – 63,3 |
1st day |
60,4 ± 2,17 |
3,6 ± 0,77 |
16.00 |
57,1 – 63,8 |
2nd day |
59,6 ± 1,91 |
4,8 ± 0,68 |
20.00 |
56,4 – 62,9 |
3rd day |
60,3 ± 2,51 |
4,5 ± 0,72 |
12.00 |
57,4 – 63,9 |
4th day |
59,8 ± 2,11 |
3,2 ± 0,79 |
20.00 |
56,6 – 63,2 |
5th day |
59,8 ± 1,95 |
3,6 ±0,77 |
20.00 |
55,3 – 63,6 |
6th day |
59,9 ± 1,88 |
3,2 ± 0,71 |
16.00 |
56,5 – 63,1 |
7th day |
59,6 ± 1,71 |
3,3 ± 0,62 |
08.00 |
56,4 – 62,9 |
8th day |
61,1 ± 1,87 |
6,5 ± 0,71 |
12.00 |
56,6 – 65,2 |
9th day |
60,5 ± 1,90 |
4,1 ± 0,68 |
20.00 |
57,4 – 63,4 |
10th day |
60,9 ± 1,61 |
5,0 ± 0,59 |
16.00 |
57,9 – 64,2 |
11th day |
60,1 ± 1,67 |
5,0 ± 0,64 |
20.00 |
56,8 – 63,4 |
12th day |
60,8 ± 1,77 |
5,1 ± 0,69 |
12.00 |
57,2 – 64,4 |
13th day |
61,1 ± 1,97 |
5,8 ± 0,82 |
08.00 |
57,4 – 64,7 |
14th day |
60,4 ± 2,27 |
4,5 ± 0,87 |
20.00 |
57,1 – 63,9 |
15th day |
60,2 ± 2,03 |
3,9 ± 0,91 |
12.00 |
57,7 – 62,7 |
1st day back home |
60,5 ± 2,96 |
4,8 ± 0,89 |
20.00 |
57,2 – 64,2 |
2nd day back home |
61,4 ± 2,17 |
5,4 ± 0,86 |
12.00 |
58,1 – 64,7 |
3rd day back home |
61,1 ± 1,88 |
5,0 ± 0,78 |
12.00 |
57,8 – 64,3 |
In addition, it should be noted that the permanent place of residence of the tested group is a region with a very unstable daylight regime and this greatly influences the processes of synchronization of rhythms in general and the psycho-emotional sphere in particular, especially in autumn and winter, when daylight hours are greatly reduced. This partly confirms our assumption about the impact of the preflight anxiety on the displacement of the vegetative status, but does not prove such correlation.
Therefore, in our case a lot more interesting is the almost complete invariability of the average daily value (mesor) of the individual minute, and also, not a significant, but still an increase in its duration after the flight. On the one hand, it indicates that the internal desynchronosis in the tested group is not observed, that is, the causes of instability of the IM acrophase are always external, on the other hand, it confirms our conclusion that the restructuring of the vegetative status does not reflect the development of fatigue in athletes [9]. The constancy of the IM mesor in our case suggests that there is virtually no substantial impact on the structures providing the endogenous organization of the rhythm, especially the rhythm of activity of the central nervous system as well as its functionality, neither by exercises, nor by change of climatic and environmental conditions.
But the adaptive capacity of the central nervous system is actually reduced. And it is indicated by significant fluctuations in the value of the amplitude and the scope of IM. Of particular importance is the change of the amplitudes, which to a greater degree reflect the state of adaptation capabilities of the body. Note: it is the fluctuations rather than the decrease in variable values. And such a reaction is developed in response to the flight, as you can see that there are two fairly clear waves clearly reflecting the amplitude reduction: after the departure with a gradual recovery of its value by the end of the first week, and almost the same wave close to the second flight, before returning home. The magnitude of the IM scope changes less clearly, but also regularly.
The question of whether such a reaction is caused by the long residence of athletes in the region with a very unstable daylight regime which, as a result, causes such a specific reaction, remains open. However, it is the decrease of the CNS adaptive capabilities that causes the system to adjust and activate its reserves, thereby displacing the vegetative status and the reason for this is the emotional stress associated with the flight.
One should take into account the peculiarity of response to the load, since the internal countdown of time intervals (autochronometrics) plays a specific role in physiological processes that form the basis of the sense of time punctuality required for the success and effectiveness of most activities requiring different manifestations of rational and emotional nature. Behavior of this kind is clearly manifested in sport.
Conclusions. The property of internal timekeeping determines athlete’s readiness for load and his ability to find the best solution to the problem without compromising his health, as it is one of the most important factors of human adaptation to changing environmental conditions.
In this group of athletes when organizing training camps or other sports events associated with zone time offset and particularly with a flight, one should pay close attention to the psycho-emotional state, which probably still has age reasons too.
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Corresponding author: apokin_vv@mail.ru