Perspectives of Development of Sport Science in Russian Universities
V.I. Grigor'ev, professor, Dr.Hab.
O.E. Piskun, associate professor, Ph.D.
V.M. Ivanov, professor, Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.)
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
Keywords: innovation clusters, knowledge industry, patterns of development.
Introduction. Development of sports science in Russian universities is directed toward overcoming the depressive inertia by forming innovative clusters (Engl. Cluster - aggregate, union), focused on increasing of the intellectual potential of universities. The trajectory of the cluster project is created in the context of global trends: the permanence of development, structure, irreversibility and scale invariance of the processes that help predict the dynamics of creation of a cluster in the stochastic field of its possible states. Expected technological breakthrough and increase of competitiveness of university research is due to the capitalization of all types of resources: financial, human, information, targeted towards the project implementation. In connection with this, the strategic objective is to create modern industrial parks on the basis of interaction between educational institutions of higher professional education, research institutes, research and educational centers, design organizations and laboratories operating in the departments [8].
Materials and methods. In order to define the intellectual core of the cluster, we selectively analyzed the content of a number of theses defended in the Council D311.010.01 of Lesgaft National State University - one of those involved in the process of creation of innovative clusters. Based on the principles of taxonomy, we also systematized the available secondary information of the knowledge industry (expert panels), which determines the direction of the innovative development.
Results and discussion. Comparative analysis of the trajectories of creation of Russian sports science cluster projects shows that in many respects they are based on the successful experience of the universities of Europe, United States and Asia in the sphere of high-technology. Today the necessary conditions for the development of information, cognitive and biological technologies are already created in the industrial parks of such cluster-forming universities as: Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism; Lesgaft National State University and the universities of Siberian and Volga federal districts. There arise new opportunities for the development of nanotechnologies, used in the development of composite materials; sports pharmacology and the industry of knowledge.
Structural сode of the innovative development of the cluster is determined by the state projects aimed at the budgetary segment of the market of research and development. The pragmatic balance between socioeconomic opportunities and innovative environment is a factor of growth for the scientific potential of the system of higher vocational education, which involves 2334.4 thousand students and 140 thousand postgraduate students. The number of teachers of specialized groups in universities, involved in research and development (human resources of the departments of physical education total 17 647 people), is 22-36%. The implementation of the pattern, the motive power for which is the capitalization of intellectual resources, took 90.5 billion rbl. (including 43.9 billion for research and development) in the period of 2009-2013 according to the Federal Program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" [1]. As a result of doing research and development work the subordinated universities made 15% of total revenues.
In the course of the project, aimed at long-term development of the research cluster (including nanotechnology industry), the instrument base of state universities for scientific research got updated (the cost of the instrument base total 1857.1 million rbl.; 2.6 million per person) [6]. The insider vision of the cluster structure formation as a vector sum of the polar graphic field indicates the possibility of concentration of technical, material and intellectual resources, focused on a breakthrough in the format of boundary conditions of the project (Figure 1). The selected nodes are the promising configuration with synergy; they correspond to the strategic goals of the university research. The process of finding a solution to the problem promotes an expansion of the scale of research and development (IY), raising of the level of technologies (DF), an increase in the number of registered patents (KJ) and scientific publications (LG) and diversification of intellectual services (ON). Based on the outlined directions of innovative development we can consider the perspective structure of the research in progress. The innovative nature of the research of T.M. Zamotin distinguishes it in terms of the use of technologies (DF) and the level of methodological elaboration (ON) [3]. The use of high-resolution technologies revealed the biomechanical determinations of intracyclic efficiency of the stroke and helped find the values of the impulse of force in the boundary parameters of electrical activity of muscles. The pulling effect (the synchronization of peaks of electrical activity) for maximum muscle tension (Fmax) and the moment of propulsive phase of the stroke (tmax) was proven. The experimentally substantiated routine on the rowing machine was maximally brought to conformity with the task of innovative diversification for different types of rowing.
The innovative nature of the research of F.E. Zakharov is revealed in the proof of connection between the achieved parameters of special speed-strength characteristics of wrestlers and the effective performance of their favourite throws during competitions [4]. The mobilization program to achieve peak trend of speed-strength training, ensuring the reliability of competitive activity of wrestlers (DF), is relevant to this choice. The logic behind the research is based on recursive processes: the reduction of the risk of technical failures during the performance of favourite throws is achieved by increasing the speed of propulsion phases and this method should be used for the identification of the purposes of precompetitive training of wrestlers. The results indicate the high level of elaboration of the technological platform that improves the reliability of performance of favourite throws and provides for the growth of the innovative potential of special training. The practical relevance of the research results is expressed in publications (LG) and in the level of methodological elaboration of the problem (ON).
I.V. Kos'min also offers a technique of strength training with the use of training simulators, which allows adjusting the loads individually according to maximum boundary values [5]. The results of the analysis of strength routines increase the capabilities of programmable intensification of strength training with regard to the stochastic nature of the training of athletes. The developed patterns show the implicit and well-controlled determinations of the influence on metabolic processes in muscles (ON). It gives the basis for the consideration of the author's technique of strength training as an innovative tool to achieve the peak level of sports skills.
The biggest contribution to the solution of the problem of building a strength training of the athletes was made as a result of the study of D.D. Dal'sky [2]. The innovative approach to strength training of powerlifters is structurally based on the principle of individualization, which excludes the incompatible combination of loads and the use of special regenerative and ergogenic means (DF). The author convincingly defends his position that the IFSS index is an important factor of capitalization of the special force of athletes (KJ). The issue of quantitative interpretation of strength training of powerlifters, which reflects the causal nature of interaction with regard to the genetic and phenotypic polymorphism, was profoundly elaborated by the author at the methodological level (ON).
The thesis work of A.A. Suprun is also very promising. It shows the communication of applied and interdisciplinary theories and methods (the theories related to systems, structuralism and synergy) [7]. The innovative method of assessing the effectiveness of the technique of motor actions of gymnasts based on the coefficient of reciprocity was proposed. With its contextual situational conditionality, the proposed cognitive models structure the knowledge on training of gymnasts and set the connection between the technologies and the dynamics of achieving the sports skills. It is proved that its use as a management tool provides morphofunctional adjustment of the body and the increase in functional reserves and in the pace of achieving the sports skills. This allows concentrating on the task of improving the quality of technical training of the gymnasts.
Conclusion. Obviously, the solution of the problem, which has been discussed in the foregoing context, meets the current challenges: increasing competitive relations, reducing traditional development resources and forming a common information space. The technological expansion of research and development is paid by the preferences of support at the early stages of research, the transformation of ideas, informatization of research projects and acceleration of the introduction of innovative products into practice. The aim of starting a new project is associated with the strategy of priority development through technical re-equipment, large-scale renovation of fixed assets, structural and technological modernization of university research in general.
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