Ensuring of Shooting Efficiency in Student-Biathletes
T.V. Bryukhovskikh, postgraduate student
D.A. Shubin, associate professor, Ph.D.
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyars
V.V. Ponomarev, professor, Dr.Hab.
Siberian State Technological University, Krasnoyarsk
Keywords: biathlon, students, weapon training, university training process, sports training
Introduction. In the current environment, characterized by the rapid growth of scientific knowledge, informatization and intellectualization of society, orientation of the state for the modernization of education, the attention is focused not only on the quality of vocational training of students, but also the formation of the youth culture of sport classes, readiness for military service and formed general physical capacities for active performance in future production.
As noted in the program documents of the President and the Government of the country, at least 40-50% of young people need to be introduced into large-scale sports activities until 2020. At the same time, active sports classes of students in a university represent a modern approach that enables young people to develop a more professional attitude to physical education classes, reveal an individual psycho-physical potential and create a theoretical and practical basis for planning of sports activities for future professional and social performance.
In the light of the current requirements for physical fitness of young people, based on the GTO (complex "Ready for Labour and Defense") standards, the university program on physical education does not fully provide an efficient training of students to satisfy the GTO requirements. In this regard, within physical education of university students it is necessary to provide for sports that enable the more comprehensive training of students to satisfy the GTO requirements. Biathlon is one of these sports. In addition to strength qualities and overall endurance, biathlon classes help develop good shooting skills in young people. All the types of fitness above lay the basis of the general readiness of students to satisfy the GTO requirements.
However, the solution of the above mentioned problems encounters the poorly developed theoretical and methodological foundations of sports classes of students in the university.
Weapon training is the most difficult part of the sports training of university students practicing biathlon. According to statistics regarding the evaluation of the competitive performance of student-biathletes, they have the lowest indices in shooting exercises, which is the reason for their not so good performance in general.
The difficulty of development of stably efficient shooting performance of university students practicing biathlon, is in the following:
- the insufficient number of student biathlon competitions to improve their shooting skills;
- the undeveloped content and methods of the weapon training of students practicing biathlon in the university;
- the insufficient material and technical base for the weapon training;
- the lack of qualified weapon training specialists.
The purpose of the research was to develop and substantiate the methods of development of efficient shooting performance among university students practicing biathlon.) (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Structure and content of sections of comprehensive weapon training (WT) of students practicing biathlon in the university
Results and discussion. In the course of theoretical analysis, abstracting and analytical findings, we have developed the structure and content of the basic sections of the weapon training for students engaged in biathlon in the university including: psychological, physical, functional and specialized sections (direct weapon training) (Fig. 1).
In addition, empirically, we have estimated the percentage of various types of training of students practicing biathlon by years of study in the university, that together contributed to the improvement of shooting efficiency, where on the 1st course 50 % were allocated for physical training (PhysT), 10 % - for psychological preparation (PP), 10 % - for functional training (FT) and 30 % - for shooting training (ST); on the 2nd course: 50 % - for PhysT, 15 % - for PP, 10 % - for FT and 35 % - for ST; on the 3rd course: 40 % - PhysT, 15 % - PP, 10 % - FT and 45 % - ST. 20 1-2-year students, second- and third-class athletes, were involved in the experiment.
Conclusion. Thanks to the authors’ methods of development of efficient shooting performance in students practicing biathlon in the university, the shooting efficiency has increased by 17.1 % on the average (p<0,05). Based on the findings, this technology can be recommended for sports training of university students.
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Corresponding author: kf.val.i.fk@mail.ru